Mysterious phenomena occurring in a dream

Mysterious phenomena occurring in a dreamPhotos from open sources of

Which of us does not wish ourselves and our loved ones a sound sleep and sweet dreams, but in reality we are all during this unconscious rest (conscious dreams in this case we will not consider) we are faced with many unpleasant, some mystical manifestations that explain modern science is simply not capable. We will not claim that any the mysterious manifestation of sleep given in this article is experiencing exclusively every person, however …

Paralysis in a dream

A man supposedly wakes up and cannot move, as they say, neither with a hand, nor with a foot, not even a finger. To this terrible state the feeling of the presence of someone is added to it (certainly scary) in the bedroom. The ancients were convinced that at such a moment in a person’s dream includes evil spirits.

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Each of us is almost motionless during sleep, but paralysis during sleep is another thing: in this case, the muscles of the body are constrained, and consciousness suddenly begins to stay awake, such a state at least once in approximately 7 percent of the world’s inhabitants experience lives, as practice shows, these are mainly people who like to sleep on back.

Sleep and the manifestation of hypnagogic hallucinations

Scientists attribute this to the fact that on the verge of sleep and wakefulness, the brain a completely healthy person can experience visions that are usually see crazy, so-called, hypnagogic hallucinations. However, independent scholars argue that both schizophrenics and healthy people at the moment of falling asleep simply break through consciousness in parallel worlds, which can be quite terrible. Indirectly it confirmed by the fact that such “hallucinations” are most often see children whose consciousness is still so plastic that in early infancy, for example, they do not distinguish between the boundaries between sleep and a reality, obviously, all other trips along parallel worlds.

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Talking during sleep

Many people talk in a dream (the phenomenon of doubtfulness), however the sleeper himself never knows about it. From a psychological point of view there is nothing paranormal in this, however, a person with such a “sleepy pathology “runs the risk of telling strangers to strangers secrets. Most often in a dream, children and men talk. Why is that happens – no one knows …

Sleep in another dream

But this sleepy manifestation is experienced by many. Human wakes up, starts to do something, then suddenly realizes that he continues to sleep. He again tries to wake up and so can happen several times before the lucky one wakes up finally.

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Why is lucky? The fact is that a person like esotericists say, ready for spiritual practices. Therefore, if if something like this happens to you, then definitely go to the store or The Internet is for literature of spiritual content, and the mentor is like the wise say, he will find you a little later …

Sleep and sleepwalking

If with sleep paralysis the body is asleep, and the consciousness is awake, then with sleepwalking, the exact opposite happens: consciousness is sleeping, and the body begins to roam, to do something. It is believed that this is very dangerous condition for humans, however, it is still not clear why in this case the lunatic begins to possess some supernatural possibilities. For example, he can walk easily on the narrow ledge of a high-rise building and do not fall, jump over huge pits or even small rivers, like many other things, are completely unusual for the average person. And all this with closed eyes! Only, God forbid, wake him at this time …

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It is believed that most often sleepwalking affects children, and are prone to he is not more than 5 percent of people. To cure sleepwalking, like, however, and from all the other mysterious here manifestations of sleep, a person can not. At least that’s none of doctors failed, but sorcerers, magicians and shamans are another matter, why in all this does the sophisticated “mystical meaning”…

Sleep apnea

In a dream, a person sometimes stops breathing, why is he here awakens. Doctors explain sleep apnea with obesity, smoking, old age and many other reasons, but to cure this unpleasant a state bordering on death cannot. By the way, if a person died in a dream, it is often, I think, this comes from the fact that when he couldn’t wake up with a respiratory arrest …

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Recurring dreams

Repeated dreams are seen by many people, especially children and young people. people. Psychologists advise in this case to make out such a dream as says, on the shelves and try to identify the problem on which he points. By fixing this problem in real life, you free yourself from repeated dreams. For example, men who have passed military service, often dreaming that they will be taken back to service. Fear of her remained in her subconscious. About the same a dream picture when you endlessly pass exams, give birth, look for something, and so on.

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Falling in a dream

Another unpleasant state of sleep is a fall from a great height. IN this time literally stops the heart, and if not awakening … wow! However, note that a person in a dream like would try to avoid falling, and it’s like some kind of force drags him to abyss, the edge of the bridge, the eaves of the house and so on. Why so something happening? ..

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Outside the body

In a dream (even half asleep) you can see your body as if with side. For mystics, this is a confirmation of the existence of the soul, which approximately also leaves our mortal body after death (an example of clinical death). Scientists are also trying all this somehow explain, but it turns out they’re very miserable and unconvincing, I must say. Unconvincing, probably because our gene memory already has experience of death and rebirth, therefore all the abstruse arguments of scientists seem ridiculous to us …

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Creative enlightenment in a dream

To people who are engaged in creativity, often discoveries (like Mendeleev his famous table), poems, music, some ideas come in a dream. Scientists are again trying to explain this. rationally, they say, in the human subconscious mind there is already an answer, but in while awake, he cannot “pull out” this answer in any way from there. However, in this case, the fact of existence itself must be recognized. subconscious mind and still determine what it is? After all, an unequivocal there is still no answer to this question, and therefore such insights in sleep time remain a mystery to seven seals …

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However, the presence of mysterious, directly mystical states in sleep time, which we examined in this article and which left Beyond, it’s all just wonderful! Thanks to them, even the most ordinary person has an amazing, just fabulous the world in which he spends a third of his life. In this world like us we can judge even by this modest article, there are small riddles, secrets and something else – sophisticatedly mystical. However for this “something” you need to make some efforts, which will lead you to lucid dreams – a phenomenon not just interesting and inexplicable, but simply fantastic. By the way the manifestation of “sleep in a dream” allows a person even for a moment, yes feel what it is – lucid dreams …

Life time

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