Mysterious water monster spotted in China

Mysterious water monster spotted in ChinaPhotos from open sources of

A traveler who recently visited Lake Kanas in China, claims to be an accidental witness to the appearance of a mysterious monsters on the surface of the reservoir.

It happened on May 15th. An eyewitness says that in the water a large dark silhouette appeared, from which the waves departed. Of course, the man hastened to capture this spectacle on camera a smartphone. Once on the World Wide Web, the entry below ignited rumors of the so-called Monster of Kanas.

Monster Kanasa is considered the Chinese equivalent of the legendary Loch Ness monster living in Scotland. Rumor has it that this cryptid was first noticed here in 1980, and since then mysterious creature from time to time reveals himself to tourists and local to the residents. Skeptics claim that it is a submarine, a large fish or even a wild duck, however their statements seem even more absurd (dragged by the ears) than the words of the most ardent conspiracy theorists and cryptozoologists. Anyway, information about Monster Kanasa can found today in many mythical reference books monsters whose existence is still not recognized by science.

Wong Hongqiao, who authored the video, is convinced that he was lucky to capture exactly the Monster on the camera Kanasa. The Chinese even asked for help from specialists who agreed to study this material and render their verdict as to what is depicted in these frames.

According to experts, the record is “clean” without interference video editors. And it really captures something under with water, most likely a really large creature similar to plesiosaurus. Is there really a dinosaur in the lake that survived to our days from prehistoric times? The same relict many, by the way, consider the aforementioned as a plesiosaurus Nessie

However, according to experts, prehistoric monsters are unlikely whether you could survive to this day in these, in general, small lakes. In addition, they would be seen much more often and could even be caught (for Nessie, how many times did the “hunt” take place). But for some reason this is not happens. Or are these bodies of water connected to more powerful water bodies? spaces, even with the oceans, or, as most progressive cryptozoologists, all these dinosaurs come from parallel worlds like yeti, chupacabra and other mysterious creatures are alien in our world and therefore mythically elusive …

Water Time Dinosaurs China Loch Ness Monster Monsters

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