Mystery bigfoot finally unraveled?

Bigfoot mystery finally solved?Photo from open sources

According to legend, yetis are a huge man covered with wool, which resembles in its appearance a wild beast. Among the yeti called the Bigfoot, however, scientists consider Yeti common a bear. In a new study published in the journal ZooKeys, it is said that the pattern of wool (“proof” of the yeti) belongs to the Himalayan brown bear. This conclusion refutes earlier study that said that hair belong to an unknown species of bears, presumably closely related to polar bears. Center of dispute Professionals is a sample of wool DNA analysis. Researcher from Oxford University Brian Sykes previously found that hair yeti belong to the mysterious species of bears that modern science is not known. However, a new study sponsored by are scholars Eliezer E. Gutierrez and Ronald Pine, puts these findings in doubt. Researchers have discovered that genetic the variability of brown bears makes reliably impossible determine what kind of bears belonged to wool patterns alleged yeti. Most likely, the owner of these samples is the usual Himalayan brown bear living in this region. Besides in addition, through the analysis of gene sequences, scientists also examined the evolutionary path of six species of modern bears (including white and brown). This path led scientists to a common ancestor investigated bears, to the extinct species of the Eurasian cave a bear. As for the Bigfoot, believers in him the existence of people can console themselves by the fact that scientists only studied a sample of his coat, ignoring traces, photographs, recorded sounds and other evidence to support the existence of a mysterious yeti.

Bigfoot DNA

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