This story was told to me separately by two Petersburgers: first television master Sergey Vykhodtsev, and then the old-timer at home former Znamenskaya street (now Uprising Street) Daria Vasilievna Pirogov. Sergei Vykhodtsev is now 25 years old, he served urgent in the air defense forces, works in a company installing spherical antennas “cosmic” and is going to become in soon the husband of the granddaughter of Daria Vasilievna students of the Textile Institute Verochka. A photo from open sources Actually, Sergey wanted to do pre-wedding gift – connect the Pirogov family TV to state-of-the-art multi-channel antenna. “Best place to the installation of the “plate” was a balcony adjacent to Daria’s room Vasilievna, – said Vykhodtsev. – But as soon as I spoke about it, she began to resist this idea in every possible way. “Sit down, better than soup you eat. My plate is more useful than yours … “From the soup Sergey did not refuse. Daria Vasilievna laid the table in the living room, and the young man set about a hot bean stew. Mistress I went into the kitchen to warm up the second, and Sergey suddenly fell into this the feeling that someone is looking at him and escorting every spoon hungry eyes! Already it became bad, I almost choked. Finally, the mistress returned. Sergey spoke about his strange feelings, and the hostess became sad: “Sometimes it happens to me too … In this my husband Viktor Nikolaevich died of hunger in a room during the winter of siege. He wasn’t taken to the front by sight. So he worked as a teacher at school while there were forces, and then lay down. “Then Verochka returned and became all fumbling to put the antenna faster. Girl opened balcony door, stripping multilayer paper tapes from it. Sergei got out and began to mount a satellite “dish”. Finished installation, began to tune the TV. One of the channels is desperate junk. Zigzags, strokes, flickering ripples ran across the screen. All of a sudden a man’s face appeared through a dense grid of interference! Soundless man moved his lips … Daria Vasilievna entered. Glanced at screen and was dumbfounded! She became ill, almost without feelings she sank into a chair, whispering only one word, only one name: “Vitya … Vitya …” Yes, she saw in jumping, running lines face of her late husband. Session of this incredible transcendental “connection” did not last long – five or six minutes. Then the channel was clogged by ionospheric interference. Shocked Daria Vasilievna could not recover. Many days later, she told the author of these lines: “Victor died at the most difficult time of the blockade – in January forty second. There was no way to bring him to earth. The only thing I managed to do was to arrange for a pack of cigarettes with workers of a former brick factory in whose furnaces they burned the corpses of the dead Leningraders, about the cremation of her husband’s body is not in common bookmark, and separately, to get exactly his ashes, and not someone’s.
A photo from open sources
Then I wanted to bury the ashes on Serafimovsky in the spring cemetery in the grave of her husband’s mother. In the meantime, put a bag of ash in stone vase on our balcony. Yes, and left him there for long years. It seems like Victor is nearby, and it’s not so hard on the soul. And nobody about I didn’t know this hidden urn – neither my daughter nor my granddaughter … I’m flowers sometimes put in a stone vase – on holidays, and sad, then and you will cry on the balcony of sweet dust. I’m even in church for confession never talked about that. And I didn’t see much sin in that … And when I saw him on the screen, I realized that I was amiss Received. I worked with deaf and dumb people at one time, therefore, on the lips I can understand words. Victor said on the screen: “Interrupt me, put it in the ground … “The next day I brought the ashes to Seraphim and ordered a marble board. Let him sleep like all people. And I am my sin pardon … “That’s the whole story. Purely Petersburg, more precisely Leningrad. One thing excites the thought: there is a noosphere hugging all phenomena in the world of mind, soul, both past and real ones. This term was coined by academician V.I. Vernadsky. IN under the noosphere, people understood the afterlife, where they live souls of ancestors with all their deeds, passions, feats. So maybe maybe a satellite dish has caught an information beam from light “? They say that in Germany for a long time communicate with the dead by to television … Nikolay CHERKASHIN