Mystical Bolivian market that no one takes pictures

A mystical Bolivian market that no one photographsA photo from open sources

Market squares with dozens or even hundreds of traders days selling products to consumers, alcohol, spices, clothes, household items and other goods known to mankind from time immemorial times. In Russia and other civilized countries of the world today already rarely see classic open-air bazaars, however such markets are still available in some parts of the world. And find Among them you can sometimes the most amazing.

One of the most interesting places is the mystical market, located in the South American state of Bolivia near the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. This bazaar is also called witchcraft and sorcerers – only goods are sold here, designed for magic, both white and black. if you you must make contact with the spirits, remove or send damage, to bring back good luck, to get a strong amulet or something like that, it’s – perhaps the best place for such mystical acquisitions.

Of course, to trade so valuable, important and even fantastic things can only be experienced witches and sorcerers, therefore, the Bolivian market in combination is also one of the largest congregations of sorcerers on Earth. Bolivians relate with this a place with awe, and any arrogant tourist, who decided to walk around the market to laugh at the “old crooks” and their stupid customers, “might find that day in his beds a dead dog or get some non-lethal but very unpleasant sore. And this is thanks to condescension local sorcerers who are skeptics like to unconscious children. Everything could be much more serious and worse. Therefore, materialists and skeptics in such a place do absolutely nothing – one headache.

Mystery of the market does not tolerate drug addicts and photographers

The greatest demand for the mystical wound of Bolivia is objects of ritual cults of the ancient Indians. At this push, you can to get, for example, herbs, which you smoke, you fall into a strong trance and you can chat with deceased loved ones. If the seller of course, considers that you really need it and sell such weed. It would seem that all this has long to be covered up because of some only narcotic substances, however authorities prefer not to interfere the work of sellers in the bazaar: law enforcement officers are absolutely sure that it doesn’t smell like drugs here. Try to buy in this market anything for the dope dope and you’ll just be sent to away. Even drug withdrawal will not help you with this …

It is noteworthy that the Bolivian market has never been removed for the entire history of photography. Even to illustrate this article, we I had to use a picture of a sweet seller another place in Bolivia. Sorcerers refuse to be photographed, because they believe (you can even say, they know perfectly well about this), that they can be jinxed and taken away from them in this way. Such prohibitions suggest that someone must be could try to go to a mysterious bazaar with a hidden camera, however, such precedents, for one reason or another, are still is unknown. It’s most likely impossible to do this, since in this case the person is not dealing with simple traders, and with magicians and sorcerers, especially if they accumulated in one place A few dozens…


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