Mystical paintings

Mystical paintingsA photo from open sources

The mystical properties of paintings by famous artists were written a lot, so it’s already hard to surprise anyone with the fact that some of the world’s masterpieces are not as simple as they seem at first glance. Enough remember some strange curse of Ilya Repin’s paintings, the unexplained human exposure to Claude’s mysterious still life Monet, the fantastic canvases of Jerome Bochs, and many other facts. One creepy picture of Bill Stoneham “Hands resist him” worth it! Not to mention the killer paintings.

For what reasons paintings become mystical

However, far from always the canvases of only famous artists behave in a mystical way. For example, Sean Robinson (Sean Robinson) inherited from his grandmother a terrible and evil picture The Anguished Man (“Martyr”), which lay before this twenty-five years in the attic, where she, according to the old woman, is the place. Posted by this is a strange painting, as explained by Sean’s grandmother, an unknown an artist who mixed paints with his blood for this. What the it brought devilry to the canvas, it’s not clear, but the master himself, by legend, after which he soon committed suicide, and his brainchild became behave in a mystical way. Grandma didn’t remember exactly what this picture got into her house, but while she hung on the wall in one of the rooms from which strangers were constantly heard voices and steps, often crying, as if the canvas was a kind of portal in another reality. Naturally, in the room where she hung, they saw ghosts and other devilry. After all, the picture was sent to the attic, and the house became calm.

Photo from open sources

Interested in a strange picture, which, as Sean realized, could be sold for decent money, he carried the “Martyr” in his house and hung on the wall. And soon, all the household felt her unkind influence on the home. Sean’s wife once felt that her someone stroking his hair, although there was nobody in the room, the son fell from stairs, because someone invisible pushed him in the house ghosts began to appear, weeping came from somewhere, heavy steps and etc.

Is painting a portal to another world?

Then Robinsor removed the “Martyr” from the wall of the room and carried the picture Into the basement. He thought of selling it, because this “masterpiece” on actually was of great interest in terms of not even art, but rather, as a bright paranormal phenomenon.

As soon as Sean took the canvas to the basement, he saw a strange fog on the stairs leading to it. Together with this haze, a soul crept in some concern and fear, however, according to the man, everything quickly passed, especially since the fog almost immediately dispersed and disappeared. However, this prompted Sean to install in the basement camcorder and watch the picture.

Already the first three nights confirmed that the painting “Martyr” mystical and terrible, which has no place in the house. Soon Robinsor posted on YouTube channel some records from the basement on which you can see how the doors slam shut by themselves, suddenly out of nowhere that mysterious fog appears that scared Sean so, in some moment the picture falls to the floor for no reason and many others mystical things. We suggest you look at one of these records, You can get to know the rest on the author’s channel – Sean Robinson

We also suggest you watch the documentary “Mysticism paintings “, the authors of which collected quite interesting material on this topic, covering, however, only the most famous paintings artists. However, many facts cited in this documentary project are simply unique, and the attempt to explain by what the reasons the paintings become mystical deserves attention.

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