Mystical Yakutia: How an ordinary guy stayed evil spirit

Mystical Yakutia: How an ordinary guy was in an evil spiritA photo from open sources

This story is interesting in that it is a kind of “mirror version” of a story called “The Invisible Cohabitant.” IN we talked about the invisible evil spirit that settled in Yakut family and in every way bothered her. Only this time in the center narrative will be evil itself, which for a while turned casual young rake not burdened with high principles morality.

It happened in the nineteenth century. Ordinary Yakut guy kept his way from one village to another, but did not calculate the time and was caught in the darkness in the middle of a dense forest. How deliberately, began severe storm: lightning flashed, rain poured out of a bucket, and the wind began to bend the trees, like grass. The traveler tried to hide under thick branches of a large spruce, but the rising hurricane was such strong, that he instantly got wet to the skin and stopped distinguishing that going around.

Suddenly, the young man felt his legs coming off the ground. and he is flying somewhere. Mentally saying goodbye to life, unhappy cringed into a lump. However, after some time, the forces of nature retreated. Moreover, the wind somehow miraculously lowered a traveler right on a soft haystack in a village courtyard, not even hurt along the way. Wondering at his luck, the guy rolled down to the ground. There was such grace around, as if there was no storm a minute ago and did not have. “Very strange,” the airy said to himself. traveler.

Is it easy to be an evil spirit

And in general, he had the feeling that something was wrong around. The yard in which the guy found himself was subtly different from those in which he had been before. Starry sky above your head it seemed, too, had a somewhat strange appearance, and indeed from the surrounding reality blew something unusual, alien. However, as for the yard, it clearly belonged to a family with average income and looked accordingly: residential booth with burning windows and a smoking chimney, stable, stall with peacefully dormant cows and the like

A photo from open sources

In general, the young man decided to discard restless thoughts and pay a visit to the owners of the booth: maybe they will let him spend the night and feed him? Well, in the worst case, at least they will show how to get to what he needs sat down … Having adjusted his clothes and hair, the traveler knocked on the door and has entered.

We had dinner at the booth. Three sat at a table: an elderly couple and their daughter, about twenty. They all looked puzzled and ate in silence. When a random guest opened the door, it creaked loudly, and people turned around at once. The traveler greeted and, following the Yakut custom, asked how the owners are doing. Spouses and girl only looked at each other suspiciously and continued their meal. It was very surprising guest: why is it his presence is so obviously ignored? But here the old woman said:

“Have you seen what a black whirlwind fell on a haystack in the yard?” Something is unclean, it’s not good.

“Shut up better,” her husband cut short. – Do not invent any nonsense.

And their daughter only scaredly clapped her eyelashes. The logged in decided make yourself known again:

“You have a guest, please pay attention to me.”

The girl abruptly turned her head and looked directly at him.

“What happened, chick?” – Mother asked excitedly.

– Yes so, – the daughter answered uncertainly, – some kind of ringing in ears.

“Why, they just don’t see or hear me!” – with amazement understood the guest. He approached the table, several times defiantly walked around him and even waved a hand in the face of the owner. No reaction. Noticing a chair for guests in the corner, the guy pulled took it to the table, took a bowl from the shelf and scooped up soup from the pan, began to eat with appetite. The whole family froze in horror, and only the old woman whispered in a trembling voice:

“She said something unclean came to us.” We wound up excess eater.

Hastily removed from the table, the household began to prepare for bed. Invisible guest, somewhat embarrassed by his own unceremoniousness, he decided that he would quietly wait the night away, and the dawn will leave. The owner put out the fire in the furnace and lay down with his wife in the corner, and the girl fenced off in a makeshift boudoir.

Our hero, as you might guess, was not able for long maintain prudence under the circumstances. Soon he began a new attack of adventurism, this time reinforced by the game hormones. The guy carefully threw back the screen and made his way into the boudoir master’s daughter. The sleeping girl was so beautiful and defenseless, her the seductive body was covered only by a nightgown! .. Counting that nothing could stop him, an uninvited guest leaned on her …

The awakened girl screamed so loudly that she woke up, probably the whole village. Parents immediately ran up and began to soothe a crying daughter. Failed lover, scared cluttered, rushed to the far corner. “Enough with us!” – resolutely said the old man and left somewhere, and to death a frightened daughter remained in the care of the mother.


The owner returned, accompanied by a local sorcerer. That was dressed in a traditional shamanistic robe and held a tambourine in his hand. The master looked around the room and lingered on that very corner, where the invisible guest got in. His heart involuntarily skipped a beat …

A photo from open sources

The flailing began. Sitting apart, the family reverently watched the ritual dance. Kamlal shaman long and invisible the guest has already started to chuckle to himself that, they say, the sorcerer doesn’t to control it … But from a certain moment every movement masters, every blow to the tambourine began to cause inside the young and healthy body unbearable burning sensation. The shaman is loud pronounced:

– A terrible misfortune fell on your family! The disgusting fiend from below the world, an evil spirit has come to you to take your daughter to yourself, take her forcibly as a wife and forever enjoy her torment! I I see this creature! Here she is, sitting in a corner, digging her breasts in a girl’s hungry yellow eyes! Woe to you! I can not control the unclean spirit, so his terrible look blinds me!

The girl was heartbreakingly sobbing, and her parents fell to her knees and began to beg the shaman to do at least something.

– Woe to you! – the sorcerer continued to lament. – Can I resist the ancient power of that demonic land, where he came from ?! Forces of light, help me! Supreme Yuryung Aar Toyon, let me drive this vile entity to where it belongs! Go away, creature! Go away!

Shouting this out, the shaman struggled three times in the tambourine and pointed hand right on the dumbfounded “spirit.” Blows rained down on hiding like stones, and he lost consciousness.

A photo from open sources

And when he came to, he found that he was lying on his stomach, closing hands with his head, under the very fir tree where he hid from bad weather. The storm stopped, and only light rain drizzled from the sky. The guy felt himself and made sure that he was intact. Rising to his feet, he in wandered deeply through the forest, not realizing what was happening to him happened: whether it was a dream, or delirium, or his soul really moved somewhere for a while?

Many years later, this man became a drunken alcoholic. Taking on his chest, he invariably began to pester anyone counter-cross and offered to listen to a striking story about how he was an “unclean spirit.” No one bitter drunkard believed until one writer was found who listened to his outpouring and transferred them to paper. So this story has survived to the present day.

Yakutia time

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