The mysterious and traceless disappearance of the Malaysian airliner Airlines somewhere above the South China Sea remains in the spotlight world media. Giant Boeing with 239 on board a man disappeared from the radar screens on the night of March 8th. Liner has been looking for photos from open sources for a week. Rescuers and military from 25 countries of the world involved aircraft and ships in searches. But there are still no results – only assumptions. From simple and logical – about a plane crash or hijacking – to the most incredible – about anomalous zones and abduction by aliens. Neither of signals allegedly picked up by satellites, ground-based locators or ships in the South China Sea never received a clear and concise Messages: Boeing-777 Flight MH370 crashed. Version about the fall of the Malaysian liner in a week of searches from “the most probable “moved into the ranks” is not yet ruled out. ”And rescuers, and aviation experts are convinced: a plane the size of a football field it cannot disappear without a trace. And there are no traces to this day. No one. No debris in the ocean, no oil stains in the water, no burnt jungle … Black boxes can give a radio signal for a whole month. Even from the bottom of the sea. Engines – Boeing had them from Rolls-Royce – also have emergency beacons. But all over the Indian ocean from flight MH370 nothing has been reported. “Search Area is huge. We and our partners are working hard, but the result not yet, “said Malaysian Transport Minister Hishamuddin Hussein. 43 ships and 58 aircraft searched for Boeing tracks. Estimated Location falls indicated by Chinese satellites. Not confirmed. And by the end of the week the main – the “tragic” – version began to crush for themselves assumptions that the plane did not disappear, but hid it, i.e. stole. Together with the passengers. And the word “hijacking” sounded more often, than the word “terrorist attack,” because before disappearing from the screens radar, Boeing abruptly changed course, turning west.
Photo from open sources “If there were on board suicides, then probably this plane would have crashed somewhere nearby. Analysis of the information that comes from districts close to investigation, said that the last four hours by plane managed by a person who is well acquainted with this region because the plane followed the established route, according to the appropriate geographical points, and the course he had through the Andaman islands and further, possibly towards Europe or the Middle East. Most likely, the aircraft should be sought in this direction, “- said Director General of an advisory and analytical agency “Flight Safety” Sergey Melnichenko. It turns out that in favor This version also speaks of the episode with passengers’ mobile phones. IN at the beginning of searches, the press got information: several passengers mobile phones worked. No one answered, but there were beeps. Other in words, the plane is intact, and it was in the field of cellular communications, and did not lie at the bottom of the ocean. “Diameter, base station radius not exceeds thirty kilometers, so it is impossible to do on sea. Sea water actively absorbs radio emission, therefore, on at a depth of several meters, the signal is almost absent explained an expert at Jet Infosystems Dmitry Ivanov. 12 crew members and 227 passengers. 154 Chinese citizens, 38 – Malaysia, five – India, seven – Indonesia and Australia, four – USA, three – France, two each – New Zealand, Canada and Ukraine, one is from the Netherlands, one is a citizen of Russia, a 43-year-old diving instructor from Irkutsk Nikolai Brodsky. “The most unpleasant in this situation is the unknown. We count on a successful outcome, knowing Kolya. But we don’t have any search information. ” – said the friend of the missing Nikolai Brodsky, Victor Grigorov. The possibility of theft, experts say, is negligible without participation pilots. Aircraft commander Zahari Ahmad Shah is considered to be Malaysian Airlines is an experienced and conscientious pilot who even built a breadboard model of the Boeing at home to constantly train. He had already been searched. But on the co-pilot Abdul Hamida the press found incriminating evidence – a photo where to his cabin the pilot let in passengers he liked. Checked and list passengers. It turned out that two Iranians – 19 and 27 years old – fell on passport on the passports of 30-year-old Austrian Christian Zobel and 37-year-old Italian Luigi Maraldi, who lost his passport on the beach in thailand. Why were young people aboard on strangers documents have yet to find out. But in any case, these “threads” Malaysian liner disappearance investigation commission considers more promising than the fantastic versions voiced, talking about the abduction of Boeing by an alien civilization.
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