Bigfoot, Loch Ness monster, chupacabra, all these are our inhabitants Earth, everyone heard about them, someone believes in it, someone does not, but speech today it’s not about them. Other incredible people live next to us. creatures that someone learns for the first time. Mongolian worm death Mongolian death worm, so named for its ability to kill enemies by spewing acid. Bright red worm lives in the most deserted part of the Gobi Desert. The Mongols claim that a worm measuring up to 10 meters in length can kill by emitting deadly electrical impulse. Photos from open sources In the West, the first to know about him in 1926 year from the book of R. E. Chapman “In the footsteps of an ancient man”, the American paleontologist did not believe in the existence of the worm and described him according to the stories of Mongol officials. However interest in this essentially subsided, in 2005-2007 attempts were made track down a creature, but in vain. In 1990, inspired by this the image was shot the film “Tremors of the Earth.”
Photos from open sources Pendek Orangutan primacy was seen by hundreds of witnesses in Indonesia, both peasants and Dutch colonists. The monkey is about one and a half meters tall, but has very powerful developed muscles in the chest and shoulders, which easily helps root out small trees. IN 2005, National Geographic funded a project to receive evidence in the form of photos of the beast, but after four years The search project was minimized.
Photos from open sources Inkanyamba (Inkanyamba) Huge and a terrible snake from 6 meters long living in South Africa as say witnesses have a horse-like head. The cave paintings in the area indicate that the tribes of the province Kwazulu-Natal, worshiped this creature and even believed that it may affect the weather.
Photos from open sources In 1996, in a local newspaper, offered a good reward to someone who can provide photo of the legendary beast. Two photos appeared, but turned out to be fakes. Attempts to find a snake have been made more than once but also no results. Wandering Albatross Swipe wings reach 30 meters, the largest specimen was observed in Alaska in 2002, at first this bird was taken for an airplane, scope its wings reached almost 40 meters. Life traces so not found.
Photos from open sources Skunks Are One of the varieties Bigfoot, a humanoid creature, inhabitant of swamps in the USA, he was last seen in 2002 in Florida and even managed to to take pictures, but the photos were so not high quality that they were right there recognized as fake. And they called him a skunk because he smelled of him rotten egg, maybe in vain they offended a monkey, hydrogen sulfide is not a rare gas in wetlands.
Photos from open sources Atmospheric monsters Well, about them I told recently, so I won’t go into the description, I’ll only add that there is a version that these monsters can exist outside the atmosphere of the earth and move between planets.
Photos from open sources
Photo from open sources. This is a pretty fresh shot of heaven. resident, but it reminds me of a recent shot of an “angel”, a glow clouds in the sunset
Bigfoot Monsters