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Over the years, disputes over the dangers and benefits continue. cosmetics. One group of people advocates the use of cosmetics, the other is against. Each leads his arguments, and almost all of them are right.
As the cosmetologist Farida Karimova noted in an interview with Echo, cosmetics can equally cause harm and benefit, most importantly – it is necessary to approach the choice of cosmetics with great care. “Cosmetics can have a negative effect on the skin. Especially one which expired. And the man did not pay to this important fact attention and continues to use one or another means. The harm of cosmetics in natural remedies is especially pronounced, although they are considered the most harmless. Shelf Life Natural cosmetics is very small. Without paying attention to it, women continue to use dangerous expired cosmetics, “the beautician warned.
F. Kerimova noted that even more harm comes from cosmetics, if washing with water is completely excluded, replacing it with various lotions and foams. “These substances accumulate on the skin. They clog pores and cause skin aging. Generally, it is recommended to use cosmetics only as far as Necessity, be sure to wash daily with water, do not apply to face a lot of makeup. Then the harm of cosmetics can be reduce to a minimum. ”
Meanwhile, Kosomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine writes about myths and truth about cosmetics. So, is it possible to get infected through mascara diseases?
Myth 1: You can get sick through mascara. it true! Cosmetics, especially mascara, are an excellent medium for the life of fungi, pathogenic bacteria and even viruses, such as the virus conjunctivitis. Using the mascara of a friend, you risk picking up other people’s “problems”. Photophobia, edema of the eyelid, reddened eyes – signs of viral conjunctivitis. If you have these symptoms – go to the doctor, he will prescribe the necessary treatment. What to do: do not use someone else’s cosmetics and do not give anyone his own.
Myth 2: Anti-wrinkle cream smoothes your face. It is a myth! Substances elastin and collagen are the “springs” that make the skin of a person elastic and smooth. With age, the body loses elastin and collagen, and under the influence of gravity, pulling the skin down, wrinkles. When we apply a cream with an encouraging inscription “From wrinkles”, it penetrates only into the surface layers of the skin. Get to the deep layers and to fill up the lack of collagen no cream is able to – its molecules are too big for that! Moreover, by law creams that could penetrate deeper are forbidden the surface layer of the skin, as this violates the protective function skin. What to do? Creams give a pleasant sensation, relieve the feeling dryness, so you should not abandon them. Use on health, but do not consider them miraculous. Help wrinkles only special injections can.
Myth 3: Natural cosmetics do not cause allergies. It is a myth! A natural product means nothing bad will come of it. it conventional wisdom, without any basis. If humans are allergic to natural constituents cream, ointments, etc., he will be allergic to cosmetic product. Therefore, natural cosmetics are especially dangerous for people suffering from pollinosis – allergies to pollen of plants. Moreover, parabens, stabilizers and others can cause allergies excipients that are contained in the most natural cream. There are no products that cannot cause allergies. basically. Each component has its own allergic person. therefore talk about the complete safety of natural cosmetics wrong.
What to do: 1. Citizens suffering from pollinosis categorically Do not use cosmetics “on herbs.” 2. Any new remedy It is worth testing for the possibility of an allergic reaction: apply on a small area of delicate skin – the wrist, elbow bend – and wait 24 hours. During this time, an allergy, if any, will manifest itself redness, peeling, itching, etc.
F. Kerimova noted that there are diseases caused by cosmetics. So, many women who believe that they are allergic to cosmetics actually suffer from irritation, caused by one or a group of chemicals that make up cosmetics. “If the skin responds quickly to use cosmetic products containing irritating components, then it is safe to say that this is sensitive skin. Often manifestations such as itching, red spots, and sometimes a rash, quickly pass if the affected area is washed with water. Usually, fragrances and coloring provoke skin sensitivity chemicals as well as preservatives, sunscreens and many others, both natural and synthetic origin. ”
The beautician noted that an allergic reaction occurs then, when the body’s immune system reacts with a substance, which usually does not cause such reactions in other people. Symptoms allergies are itching, staining of the skin, rash. Appearances simple allergic reactions can be avoided if you stop use cosmetics that cause negative the effect.
Among the diseases caused by cosmetics, F. Kerimova noted acne with black heads that occur when hair bags or the sebaceous glands of the skin are blocked by the oily mixture, consisting of sebum (natural sebum) and keratin, it coarse fiber protein that covers the skin, hair and nails. This mixture hardens and turns into a cork, which when it gets black in contact with air. If in such plugs get bacteria and gain the ability to multiply, then blackheads become infected and form red acne – acne. One of the causes of acne is oily or fatty substances that penetrate the skin pores together with cosmetics and clog them.
Viruses Water