Named the new laureates of the hilarious Shnobelevskaya prizes

New winners of hilarious Shnobel Prize namedA photo from open sources

Award for a stupid achievement in the field of physics received Taiwanese scientists who have proven that any mammal, regardless of body weight and size, on average spends on urination twenty one second (plus or minus thirteen seconds). Possible benefits of this discovery for humanity It remains a pure mystery.

Comic literature prize went to an international group experts who found out that the exclamation is “A?” present in in every language and everywhere means “What did you say?” Now we at least we know a universal word that can be used in any country of the world, without fear that they will not understand you.

A photo from open sources

Scientists from the USA and Australia won a prize in chemistry for discovery of restoration technology of its original form denatured protein. In other words, using this method, you can turn a boiled egg back into raw. So that, if you have boiled eggs and changed your mind about eating, from now on you can return them initial liquid form. True, for this you must have a home expensive science lab.

Doubtful discovery in medicine was made by doctors from Slovakia and Japan proving that intense kisses can protect lovers about certain types of allergies. It turns out that in this way it is now possible to combine business with pleasure useful.

Shnobel Prize for discovery in physiology and entomology got the Americans who found the least on the human body painful places for a bee sting. Self-sacrificing devotion the science shown by these researchers is admirable – scientists conducted research on themselves, having received over the past year several hundred bites.

An international team of experts has proven that bumps in the road can help diagnose driver or passenger car acute appendicitis. For this Researchers Awarded Medical Award diagnostics. But we are used to scolding our roads in Russia.

Scientists from Italy and India became winners of the Shnobel Prize in management area, finding out that many of the world’s big-time business movers childhood suffered a natural disaster, due to which discovered the ability to do business. After this statements you start to regret that you did not survive at a young age an earthquake or at least a small tornado.

A photo from open sources

US and Chilean biologists have been awarded in their field equipping a tailless chicken with a long prosthesis and determining that the hen’s gait became like a gait dinosaur. It turns out Dr. Grant from Jurassic Park period “was right – the ancient lizards were much closer to to today’s birds than to reptiles.

Bangkok Police Leadership Received Shnobel Prize in areas of the economy, offering to encourage money to guard law and order refusing bribes. Proposed the innovation is indeed absurd, because in such In this case, the fact of the presence of citizens who want to give a paw will please now not only bribe takers, but incorruptible cops.

And finally, in the field of mathematics two Austrian distinguished themselves scientists who have proven that the Sultan of Morocco Ismail the Bloodthirsty, most likely, it was really possible to conceive in 1697-1727 eight hundred eighty eight children.

A photo from open sources

Each winner received a cash prize of ten trillion Zimbabwean dollars. If such an amount seems to you astronomical, then you do not seem to know how creepy inflation is observed in this African country. Translated into Russian money is only about five hundred rubles.

Money Russia USA

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: