On the night of May 4-5, 1821, the island of St. Helena shook horrible storm. Rain poured continuously, the storm uprooted trees, and the wind tore roofs from houses. This is a doomsday accompanied by the groans of the dying in agony of cancer and arsenic Napoleon Bonaparte, the greatest of emperors, and now rejected by fate a prisoner. No one has yet found an answer to the questions: from where – from heaven or from hell – this man fell on mankind giant? Why were all these great campaigns and grandiose sacrifices? Only the scale of the personality of one whose fearlessness in the face is undeniable deaths were struck; even religious authorities did not dare to object his daring challenge. His will knew no bounds. Photos from open sources He was respected by the powers that be, including enemies. In love, he showed passion so crazy that before him not a single woman could resist. Fate lifted him to gaping peaks – and at the end of the path ruthlessly cast down into humiliation, painful illnesses and loneliness; into a narrow confined space a distant island in the ocean. In his will in capital letters it is written: “I inherit all reigning houses of horror and shame of the last days of my life. “The elemental sign of that May nights are still not called random. By the end of the next day, rain suddenly stopped, and the setting sun appeared in the sky. With this a moment of heavenly light Napoleon met death. A gun saluted him and … the sun immediately disappeared. The day is over. Goethe’s dark power wrote to Chateaubriand of Baden about Napoleone: “Everyone feels that something is hidden behind his story. Only no one knows – what. “Let’s try to solve this mystery. For some, Napoleon is a Nietzschean superman, for others – accomplices of the devil. Goethe loved Napoleon and sought a meeting with him. Hegel wrote about him as the embodiment of the world spirit and engine stories. Lermontov’s poem “Air Ship”, dedicated to imprisonment of a usurper on the island of Elba, soulfully and compassionately. Similar lyrical experiences can be found in Zhukovsky, Tyutchev, Tsvetaeva, among many others. Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” Napoleon – a tyrant, behind whom are principles of action and countermeasures spilled in nature. Tyutchev has a “mother’s son” terrible “revolution; with Gogol he is the Antichrist …” Dark miracle “in Bonaparte’s fate, leading and keeping him, opening up the possibility swift victories and, finally, having ruined her chosen one, there is, According to a study by writer Yuri Arabov, “power is clearly God-contrary. “He never suffered fear for his own life. Let’s recall Grenoble, without actually firing a shot defenseless fugitive from Elba when he went out to meet the shelves of the royal troops and, unarmed, having thrown open a frock coat on his chest, uttered his famous: “Soldiers! Which of you wants to shoot at your emperor? Shoot! ”In response, he heard screams and cries. The guard was at his feet again! Napoleon was able to appreciate the nobility, in including enemies. Next to him is a simple peasant soldier felt like a hero – the state of mind became more important than life. Not afraid to get infected, he held out his hand to those dying of cholera soldiers – and they passed away happy. Beautiful and ruthless whether the East accidentally pulled the ambitious Corsican like a magnet? According to the Indian religion, the world is a double beginning – he and she. The acting power of the creator god, his female hypostasis, called Shakti, personified as the Mother of the worlds. Indian poet and philosopher, creator of integral yoga Sri Aurobindo Ghosh (1872-1950) in his work “Mother” writes about the nature of divine powers, ruling the world and the universe, among which there are emanations called vibhuti are divine helpers. Poet calls Napoleon Bonaparte vibhuti, or the incarnation of the goddess of destruction Kali. Even individual excerpts from the work “Mother” give a hint to insoluble issues “where from?” and why?”. “Mother is the consciousness and power of the Almighty, and she surpasses everything that creates itself … “” When the Mother leads The universe and implements the earthly scenario, come to the fore its plan is four main hypostases, four authorities and powers, four face … “The second person Aurobindo calls Mahakali (maha – mother, Kali is black). In its highest aspect, she is a “warrior Universe, inexorable and ruthless to those who rebelled against bot, the one who never backs down … “Her image is fiery, beautiful, perfect in its maximalism. “Her power in stamina and strength. She is characterized by irresistible perseverance, powerful passion of forces, divine fierce pressure crushing any barriers and obstacles.
Photos from open sources All its divinity in greatness raging action, its mission is swiftness, instantly completed move, quick and accurate hit, direct attack sweeping away everything on its way … “” When it is given to her to enter the game, they instantly collapse, like mirages, insurmountable obstacles retreat enemies. And if her anger frightens evil, the fury of her pressure painful for the weak and timid, great, noble and strong love and honor her … She does in a day what she would have gone centuries … “Already this is enough to recognize the figure Napoleon the goddess Kali. Who the bullet does not Take Conscious forces vibhuti, says Aurobindo, directing the work of the divine mothers in the universe can manifest through man and feel like a personal “I”. Besides Napoleon, Aurobindo calls in this row are Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Tamerlane – all who redrawn the world for the evolutionary development of history. Mission Bonaparte was primarily in the reformation of Europe. Till the task was not solved, Kali’s protection was provided to him. It manifested itself in all miraculous cases when the cores and bullets, according to the recollections of eyewitnesses, mowed who were nearby, and he, like spellbound, remained invulnerable. Napoleon couldn’t even do away with yourself without the consent of the “black goddess”! Abdicated betrayed by his surroundings, he took a lethal dose of poison, but stood up healthy morning, as if nothing had happened, which he was very surprised … Goddess of death (at the lower steps of her hierarchical ladder) Kali also ruled in his inner world. Only she decided when leave him, remove from the world stage and make room for personal evolution of his soul. She showed herself as his secret genius, but in He didn’t know her face. Although in all the miracles of Napoleonic life, in all traits of his character clearly read the influence of this fiery power. Napoleon’s need, he said, “rebel against the whole Universe” (and, therefore, with the world laws) looks crazy. But doesn’t humanity rebel (albeit less expressively) with all his tears and suffering in scientific, medical and artistic forms against unshakable the law of death? Crown of thorns for the conqueror Sri Aurobindo’s Evolutionary Studies Unveil the Secret the “giving birth and devouring worlds” of the dark and furious goddess: for endless deaths and births hidden search for unity. Kali kills our bodies until it touches secrets in matter where it is hidden immortality. The strokes of Kali evoke action and excellence. Napoleon felt in her her indefatigable fire and – even without any spiritual awareness – until a time served as an instrument of this divine shakti (power). But his soul also had to be cleansed. humility and suffering. Six years imprisonment on St. Helena gave him the opportunity to comprehend his whole life. Katie is not subject to none but the Almighty. But the will of the Lord manifested itself in the intercession of Orthodox Russia. Prayers of Field Marshal Kutuzov before the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God, the prayers of the whole the Russian army and the entire Russian people were heard. More Tamerlan (“Lord’s muscle”, and in the eastern interpretation – Kali’s tool) feel the hierarchical superiority of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She will appear to him in a vision before going to Moscow. Conqueror of the world he will fear the formidable luminiferous Virgin in the host of saints and withdraw the troops. A similar thing will happen with Napoleon. There is evidence of the phenomenon Bonaparte in Moscow, on the Sparrow Hills, St. Sergius Radonezh with the host of heaven. The usurper will be made clear that Moscow is under guard and it is better for him to return home. Napoleon left Moscow, and this was the beginning of the end of his entire epic. Stories he was is no longer needed. It seems Kali has turned her back on him, and that’s all subsequent battles resembled the extinction of a mighty luminary. But the sunset his military glory will be the beginning of the ascension of his immortal soul. Even in humiliation, this heroic spirit will not allow itself to be defeated. is he likened himself to Prometheus, chained to a rock by cowardly gods. Looking at the rock on the island of St. Helena, he will say: “I have explored everything. My reputation lacked only one thing – misfortune. For there is no more lofty spectacle than the great man opposing adversity … He is much greater, more holy and worthy of respect, rather than sitting on the throne. I wore two crowns – France and Italy. The British crowned me with the third, greatest, which he himself wore Savior, – crown of thorns. “On the eve of the death of Bonaparte terrible a storm broke over the island, as if witnessing a farewell the mighty Kali with his great son, recalling a furious roar battles. Or maybe it was the last battle of the spirit with pain and the elements? The last battle “with the whole universe” within itself? In their The Marquis de las Caz recalled: “The Emperor suddenly opened his eyes wide … as if he saw something … and gave his soul To the Lord. It was 5.49 in the afternoon … He passed away … We left the room to announce to the servants … And when they returned again, they froze in wonder: on beds instead of a puffy, fat emperor lay thin and a very young man – a young General Bonaparte! “Whatever human court, life is much richer and more mysterious, what they think about her. Like, as you know, is known as similar. Our prominent historian E. Tarle smiled knowingly death mask of Napoleon by writer A. Kuprin (in Granatov bracelet “): she reflected the pacification of the” great sufferer “, who knew before death “deep and sweet secret”, and the same facial expression was on the death mask of A. Pushkin. Nina Yakhontova
Universe Life Moscow Napoleon Bonaparte Islands Russia Sun