A photo from open sources
For a possible mission in the near future to Saturn’s satellite —Titanium, NASA employees demonstrated their vision of a robot bathyscaphe, with the help of which one could explore the vast seas Titanium, consisting of liquid methane and ethane. Experts believe that Titan resembles the Earth in its infancy, only with colder climate. Titan – the only satellite in the Solar a system that has an atmosphere. The atmosphere of titanium possesses own methane cycle, reminiscent of the water cycle on Earth. Methane exists in a liquid state, therefore, when it rains, which includes hydrocarbons, it forms rivers, valleys and seas. Several seas have been carefully studied by Cassini (space NASA ship). The depth of some “ponds” on average is a few meters, while others have a depth of more than 200 meters – the maximum depth that a radar can scan Cassini So if scientists really want to research Titan and unravel its secrets, they must first find a way to dive into these seas. In innovative advanced NIAC concepts (this year’s symposium) submarine concept “Titan” was presented by a team of researchers from the laboratory NASA But how much more is ahead of the incredible space discoveries.
Since the developers provide for the study of the most extensive and deep seas of the Titan, such as, for example, Kracken Mare, autonomous submarine must be powered by radioisotope generators (a source that converts heat, produced by radioactive granules into electricity). Besides Moreover, since communication with the Earth in the depths of methane seas impossible to transfer scientific data to a vehicle it is necessary to make regular ascents to the surface, which also requires additional energy costs. Also should not forget that the seas of Titan are very aggressive: intermittent waves, ebbs and flows and low temperature (-183 degrees Celsius) can deliver a lot of unpleasant surprises. Given the low temperature and other risks to life, scientists plan to send in an alien expedition not of humans, but of robots.
One of the main goals of scientists is to measure trace organic components in the composition of the seas of Titan. Perhaps analysis precipitation from the bottom of the seas will help to trace the prebiotic chemical the evolution of this mysterious satellite. A measurement of the seabed and morphology using lateral sonar can shed light on historical cycles of methane seas. In addition, many scientists believe that by investigating the composition of precipitation, they will be able to detect molecules for the chemistry of alien life …
NASA Robots