A photo from open sources
Now this has been done by the aerospace education portal Agency SpacePlace, on the pages of which the question was raised about astronomy and astrology, an explanation is given of what the zodiac constellation and further why the zodiac is artificially adjusted to fit interpretations by astrologers of certain events using the stellar the sky.
NASA scientists said that unlike astronomy, astrology is it’s not a science or even some kind of spiritual practice, since there is no evidence that using it can be given characterization of a person based only on his time birth, and predict the future by zodiac signs.
Firstly, the world has long been tracking newborns, appearing at the same second of time on Earth. So here they are fate, not to mention the characters, mental abilities and so Further, in no way matched. And they should …
The zodiac, or Greek animal belt, is thirteen the constellations through which our luminary passes during the year, that is, the Sun periodically located in one or another zodiac sign (on the same with it and with Earth imaginary line). But why in astrology Ophiuchus sign counted? Although the sun passes through it.
The fact is, scientists write in their article that astrology originated in ancient Babylon with about three and a few thousand years ago, where at that time a calendar consisting of twelve months, based, as you know, on the phases of the moon. Naturally, the zodiac was easiest to divide by twelve parts, in accordance with the months, which was done. true ancient astronomers-astrologers encountered some difficulties for example, the sun runs through the heavenly path against the backdrop of Scorpio only seven days, but against the backdrop of Virgo – for forty-five days, on against Ophiuchus – for eighteen days, and so on. therefore I had to simplify it all, to fit into a framework convenient for astrologers, and therefore even throw away one zodiac sign, namely – Ophiuchus.
A photo from open sources
In fact, the picture with the signs of the zodiac looks as follows way:
- the Capricorn sign takes the period from January 20 to 16 February
- the sign Aquarius takes the period from February 16 to 11 Martha;
- the Pisces sign covers the period from March 11 to April 18;
- the sign Aries occupies the period from April 18 to May 13;
- the sign Taurus takes the period from May 13 and further to June 21;
- Gemini sign takes the period from June 21 and then on to 20 July
- the sign Cancer takes the period from July 20 to August 10;
- Leo sign takes the period from August 10 to 16 September
- Virgo takes from September 16 to 30 October
- Libra takes the period from October 30 to 23 November
- the Scorpio sign takes the period from November 23 to 29 November
- the Ophiuchus sign takes from November 29 to 17 December
- Sagittarius sign: takes the period from December 17 and then on to 20 January.
At the same time, NASA scientists authoritatively assure that from these scientific corrections, the accuracy of horoscopes will not change, since will remain zero, as it was before. However, taking these amendments into account, like a reasonable approach to astrology can help many people just save your money before replenishing your pockets charlatans.
Astrologers NASA Sun Time