NASA Space Agency launches January mission ATTREX (Airborne Tropical Tropopause Experiment), the purpose of which is to study the chemical composition of high atmospheric layers to answer the question, what is the effect of the change climate is having an effect on Earth.
A photo from open sources © Tuomas Lehtinen | The main objective of the mission is to measure the content of ozone molecules and other gases, as well as water vapor in the tropopause (transition layer between the troposphere and the stratosphere at an altitude of 8-12 kilometers in polar regions and 16-18 kilometers above the equator), according to RIA News. “Research will be conducted using unmanned Global Hawk, which can be in the air for up to 30 hours without refueling and operate at an altitude of up to 20 kilometers. First air samples are planned to be obtained from the equator region above Central America and the Pacific. For the period from January 16 to 15 March six plans to implement from NASA base in California drone launches. In 2014, flights will be operated from Guam Islands and from Australia.
Climate NASA