Photo from open sources
In the Mexican city of Ecatepec de Morelos did quite unusual find. During the construction of an apartment building here a builder named Diego Aviles noticed a small metal object. Having picked and cleaned it, the man realized that discovered a coin depicting a Nazi eagle and a swastika. Besides Reichsadler symbol, banknote contains inscriptions in German language: “New Germany” and “One country for all.”
Of course, the Mexican reasonably thought that he had dug out Nazi coin made in the Third Reich. Nonetheless, when the builder looked at the find better, he came to the present perplexity. The banknote indicates that the coin was made in 2039! But how is this possible? Of course skeptics will tell you that today you can purchase any a souvenir, even a coin with the image of Freddy Krueger. They of course one hundred percent right, but we have a completely different case before us. Diego Aviles showed the artifact to specialists, and they determined that he lay in the ground … at least 50 years.
Researchers immediately became interested in the news supernatural phenomena from all over the Earth. Many specialists in the field of paranormalism immediately concluded that the coin came to us from parallel reality (more precisely, from the future of this reality), where Germany won the Second World War and established control of the planet. So, we can talk about one of the most amazing and unusual artifacts ever falling into the hands of the inhabitants of our version of the universe with you.
True, there were more sensible users who suggested that this coin is really really Nazi, that’s just the year of its manufacture, a fake, made, they say, in the middle of the last century with the goal of, say, promoting the future Great Reich. This is entirely possible, only here is information about no such coins are issued, this is not known even to the most hard-won numismatists. Something doesn’t fit here …
Ancient artifacts of Mexico