Near New Zealand, the legendary sea ​​monster

The legendary appeared near New ZealandA photo from open sources

David Agnew, New Zealand Department of Security natural resources reported for the first time in two decades on the coast of the country was discovered by the herring king, known in common people as a “sea monster”.

An amazing semi-deep fish that local scientists consider a source of legends about various sea monsters, nailed a few days ago to the south coast of the country. After some time a three-meter belt-fish disappeared. Herring king colleagues found David Agnew near the harbor of Otago. Specialists took several photos of the marine animal, then it seems to have managed to sail again into the ocean. Staff ministries of nature protection also took tissue samples for analysis, however, nobody transported rare fish to the laboratory made up his mind.

The herring king, or slammer, was first described at the end eighteenth century Norwegian explorer Peter Ascanius. The king of fish was called in many languages ​​because sometimes herring was caught together with shoals, and the elongated fin on the monster’s head looks very much like a crown. The largest individual (on photo) had a length of eleven meters and a weight of over seventy two kilograms.

Monster Fish

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