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2013 is the year of the black Snake, which should definitely start with new and fiery energy that is. According to Chinese astrology, officially, the black snake takes office on February 4th. It’s better to fill your house and workplace with positive, glowing symbols that represent love and success. As congratulations LifeGlobe has prepared for you six tips that help you bring balance and harmony to life. 1. Hang in New Year’s workplace picture of the sun and crescent moon together. it should be depicted with a crescent moon below the sun, or with the sun on the right and the moon on the left. You can also put other objects in your home and office, which will symbolize balance and togetherness.
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2. Gold jewelry attracts positive qi energy. Gold is the color of the rays of a cherishing sun. In the year of the Black Snake wear objects that best suit your own signs.
A photo from open sources
3. Sacred objects bring protective energy to your home. Place them in a visible space, arrange a special altar.
A photo from open sources 4. Each of us has imaginary friends and perfumes. It is important not to forget about them, to honor and acknowledge your spiritual guides, not ignore them or be afraid. Take a moment to thank them quietly and ask for luck and well-being.
A photo from open sources
5. Spend one minute a day in the shower, in bed, or before By your altar to share your concerns, desires, or problems. Any spiritual messages must be remembered and repeated every day.
A photo from open sources
6. Compose your own song or ritual to be to praise the warm and nurturing qualities of the golden sun. Moreover, use images or characters that help you view the sun washing you with golden rays. Try to get in the middle rooms, and reach out with a big smile on your lips and sing, recite the verse and embrace yourself with your arms, as if embracing. Kiss your palm and feel that you are filled with love. Raise your palm to the sky and the universe will receive your gift of love and will return many blessings to you.
A photo from open sources No matter how jokingly the above tips, you should listen to them. Congratulations on your new 2013. year, year of the Black Snake! Love yourself and your loved ones, reach all your goals, be successful and prosperous!
Snakes Sun