Photo from open sources About him not reported before and, in any case, not often mentioned in in mass media.
Near-death is considered to be the experience of a person who has visited verge of death, but then returned to life. Such people tell amazing stories about what happened to them. IN the famous book of the American psychologist R. Moody is given a whole a number of such stories.
But do you know that if near the dying person is present another person, is he also involved in the ongoing process?
Dozens of trustworthy people said that at that time, when their beloved loved ones died, they themselves came out of bodies that rose above him and accompanied their loved ones up to full of Love, beautiful Light. Other people said that, being with their dying dear, they saw the deceased relatives who came to meet departing to another world person.
People present at someone’s death are often certain that they are directly and intuitively involved in the great transition process. Such near-death experiences indicate: everything that surrounds a dying person carries the message of paramount importance of love.
Those who are personally and closely associated with the outgoing are more likely to getting near death experience. At the same time, many doctors and nurses notice how Soul and Spirit leave a person’s body at the moment dying. Professional scientists in such situations may also confirm the separation of Soul and Spirit from the body.
Today there is already a fairly large number of responsible and sane people sharing the experience of dying loved ones, so that their with attention, compassion and love to help them fearlessly go through a corridor leading to another Life.
Modern traditions regarding dying and death also have changed over the past few decades. Used to be relatives it was preferable to lead the dying person away from the bed even before death came. Now people are becoming increasingly aware that they owe to be with the dying to the end. Must properly prepare his Soul and Spirit and carry them into another dimension, or another state…
Life time