Newborn humpback whale hit the video

The newborn humpback whale hit the videoPhotos from open sources of

Marine animal explorer Lars Bader from Hawaiian University received recently incredibly rare cadres. Zoologist, studying the impact of climate change and human activities on humpback whale, by surprising chance, captured on video humpback baby immediately after his birth.

Getting so close to the whales isn’t easy, however The specialist was assisted by a modern drone equipped with a camera. Turning on the video below, you can see the newborn Kitten with his mother. Traces of blood in the water suggest that the animal was just born.

Humpback whales, being mammals, give birth after a long pregnancy. The humpback female carries one child and does it longer than a woman: as much as 11 months! Newborn kittens eat mother’s milk for 5-7 months. For a day, the baby consumes 40-45 kilograms of milk with a fat content of 45-49%.

Whales give birth to cubs with their tail forward, because otherwise the offspring may drown. Immediately after completion of labor, the female pushes the child to the surface so that he can breathe for the first time. Humpbacked whales live up to 50 years, while old females often play a role grandmothers raising children of their daughters.

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