A photo from open sources
The following Tuesday, April 29, during a solar eclipse in in some distant corners of the sun the sun will look like a ring of fire, however, you will be able to admire this spectacle far not everyone. Lunar eclipses occur only during the full moon, and solar – only during the new moon. Usually lunar eclipse means that right before the new moon or immediately after it will be solar eclipse. Solar eclipse expected in tuesday will be roundabout because tuesday the moon will be almost at the greatest distance from the Earth, and will too small to completely close the sun. What we see in The result is similar to a ring of fire that surrounds the silhouette of the moon. However, the only place you can fully see Eclipse is a small area in the Antarctic. Its partial phases will be visible in other places, however, most of these places located in parts of the ocean rarely visited by people. Moreover, a good place to observe is Australia, you can eclipse observe on the whole continent, and the more north they will be observers, the smaller part of the moon for them will be covered by the sun. Scientists warn that you should not try to look at the sun directly, without special filters, so as not to damage your eyesight.
Eclipse Time Moon Sun