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(photo: profi-forex.org)
Work in night shifts can significantly affect intellectual indicators of man. In Occupational and Environmental Medicine has a very interesting article, dedicated to the effects of night work on brain function. So if believe the results of a study published in british scientific journal, 10 years of shift work (including night shifts) add 6 years to the brain. Scientists have studied the health status of about 3 thousand people trying to understand how well their memory works and other cognitive mechanisms. Having analyzed the data collected, scientists have concluded that people who have worked for more than 10 years in shift schedule, these indicators are on average more lower than those who avoided night work. Wherein the difference is the same as between people whose age differs by 6.5 years. In addition, night work increases the likelihood of obesity, heart attacks and strokes. But there is good news: job degradation brain due to night shifts – reversible. If you refuse to work on at night, you can expect that after five years the brain works fully restored and will meet the age norm. The study was conducted in France.