A photo from open sources
Residents of Norway faced a problem that they didn’t remember already 70 years old – the country is experiencing a real invasion of bedding bed bugs. The number of these blood-sucking parasites increases with an unprecedented speed. Bed bug – an insect of the species Cimex lectularius with tan, reaching five millimeters in length. TO fortunately, he does not tolerate infection, but it delivers a lot disturbance to residents: at night, insects leave their shelters and stick to a sleeping person, as well as other warm-blooded, including pets and birds whose blood they feed on. Often bedbugs provoke a rash and allergies, in addition, they deprive people and animals normal sleep. Anti-specialist pest Hans Setrum, working in the capital’s pest control service since 1969, says that after World War II, bedding bedbugs in Norway almost disappeared. In the 1980s for the whole year Three to four complaints of these insects were recorded. Lately time the same number of complaints arrives daily. Bedding bedbugs hide in the daytime in furniture, books, under wallpaper and in others secluded places, and at night go hunting and attack the sleeping victim. Many people do not feel bites, but may notice marks on their skin. them. Meanwhile, bedbugs multiply very quickly, laying their eggs in cracks in furniture, household appliances, picture frames, etc. Bedbugs can also hide in the folds of clothing and animal hair, moving them to other houses. You can get rid of parasites, but It’s not easy to do. Disinfection specialist Vidar Andreassen advises thoroughly freezing all infected furniture. “We can put the whole atmosphere of the apartment in special freezers, the temperature at which is minus 28 degrees, “- says expert. However, such treatment of the home will cost the owners a pretty penny – freezing an average house costs up to 50 thousand crowns (7,600 dollars). House treatment with pesticides is also popular, but this method does not guarantee final disposal of unpleasant neighborhood: insects can hide deep in the thickness of the tree, where do not penetrate pesticides. Adults can survive in such conditions for many months.