A photo from open sources
As many people know, on the Norwegian island of Svalbard is located the so-called “Doomsday Vault” – a unique bunker, able to withstand a nuclear explosion, the fall of a relatively large meteorite and other disasters. Here at 120 meters deep several million seed samples are stored that can be use for sowing the earth in the event that our planet really befall a global catastrophe.
Norwegians decided to expand this bunker, adding to its storage for valuable literature. On the Arctic archipelago will be created autonomous archive, where all the accumulated by mankind will be placed knowledge necessary for political, economic, scientific and cultural development of civilization. This world heritage will be available to all countries of our “blue ball”. As with seeds, each state will be able to complement this archive and, if he so pleases, pick up your property back.
You might think that in the modern world information cannot sink into oblivion, however this is a big mistake. So in Mexico a major earthquake has recently occurred, significantly damaging local paper archive and destroyed more than 70% of the information in it. A in Brazil a couple of years ago, cybercriminals permanently deleted contents of an important digital data archive. In both cases humanity has lost unique textual information.
All data placed in the literary Doomsday Repository, can be saved in it for at least one millennium. Moreover to destroy them there is almost impossible.