Now proven: bisphenol A contained in dental fillings and plastic containers, leading to serious illnesses

A photo from open sources The population of the Earth is poisoned by dentists and food manufacturers. Scientists united INRA’s Research Unit Toxicology Nutrition (TOXALIM) from Toulouse, France, concluded that even small doses of bisphenol A (BPA) affect immune system and cause food allergies, intolerance products. Bisphenol A is particularly hazardous for ripening fetus and nursing mothers. The effects of toxin on the forming organism is unpredictable, and can lead to various diseases in adulthood. As you know, today up to 20% the world’s population suffer from food allergies and intolerances some types of food.

In France, the country where the study was conducted, as early as 2013. the use of bisphenol A in containers for children is prohibited food, and in all food packaging since 2015

Methods Developed by French Scientists to Study effects of bisphenol A on the immune system can be used for the study of endocrine disorders caused in particular substances that can be used instead of BPA in food new generation packaging materials.

Bisphenol A is known to be part of a filling material. BisGMA The main binder of composites, BisGMA – bisphenol A, (and in fact the resin) is constantly dissolved in our mouth because not completely polymerizes (hardens) and poisons our the body!

In contact with air, the surface of the composites enters in interaction with oxygen, which leads to cessation (inhibition) of the polymerization reaction.

Scientists have long discovered the toxic properties of BisGMA (1996). but they couldn’t do anything about it, we all still fillings with this poisonous resin. This happens if only because BisGMA production is very profitable and brings big profits. TO For information, this material is also part of plastic bottles.

British scientists A. Carmichael and J. Gibson, conduct research this problem since the mid 90s of the 20th century They confirm opinion of North American and South American scientists that bisphenol A leads to disastrous consequences for the health of patients dentists. And especially it is dangerous for pregnant women, their unborn babies and newborn babies. During pregnancy and / or breastfeeding bisphenol A reduces fetal survival and baby, leads to weight loss at birth, has estrogenic effect on children.

US National Institute of Health, 36 international experts in 2006 recognized that even trace amounts, BisGMA, bisphenol A and methacrylates act on the human body like estrogen. Studies in adult animals show that Bisphenol A causes cancer of the prostate, testicles, mammary glands, changes qualitative and quantitative indicators of sperm, causes diabetes, reduces brain activity, leads to allergic reactions.

If microscopic doses of bisphenol A are administered to animals before puberty, then all reproductive organs are modified, brain development stops, endocrine disorders are caused, early puberty occurs.

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