Observations of pterodactyls near the famous Roswell

Observations of pterodactyls near the famous RoswellPhoto from open sources

Roswell incident of 1947, in which Americans allegedly shot down a flying saucer and captured an alien (or even a few aliens), today is considered a classic ufological plot, the authenticity of which, however, is believed far not all even representatives of this cohort of UFO researchers and extraterrestrial civilizations. Americans are too eager for all sorts of hoaxes, from aliens to flights to The moon.

The most interesting thing is that they are reliable, truly scientific, there is still no evidence of either. And after prescription years, it all seems completely fabulous, since only in this if the secrecy of such materials may remain unchanged – still closed to the general public: apparently ashamed the current generation of the United States to admit to such unseemly deeds of their fathers and grandfathers.

A photo from open sources

However, ufologists and journalists have always been attracted to the area. near the city of Roswell, where the UFO incident just happened. IN 2005, the famous American ufologist Nick Redfern together with TV specialists prepared material on this topic for the next TV show.

The crew, Nick recalls, for some reason decided to start filming from the mountains of New Mexico, for a greater effect or what? After all, in these mountains there was a small observatory, which can be very successfully was tied to the topic of aliens, which later was done reporters of the channel – they can do it expertly. In the meantime experts set up the technique, the ufologist just wandered around, inspecting neighborhood. And here he came across a local resident under fifty.

From aliens to pterodactyls

Inquiring what is happening here, the man perked up: Will you shoot pterodactyls? This question is so stunned paranormal researcher that he immediately began to ask a local resident where he got such information about for a long time extinct lizards and why he believes that they can be removed here in mountains? The fact is that Nick Redfern knew: pterosaurs periodically people see it in one, then in another point of our planet. For example, in the early eighties of the last century a whole a series of observations of these allegedly long ago (140 million years ago) extinct dinosaurs by the inhabitants of the Pennine Mountains of Britain (read about it can be in the UFO magazine Brigantia, No. 9 for 2002, or in the book of Jenny Randles “Supernatural Pennines”). Similar information can be gleaned. also from the stories of the natives of New Guinea (about flying ropene). Yes even modern videos (see below) demonstrate flying pterodactyls or something similar to them. And although all this causes healthy skepticism among Internet users, smoke, as they say, without fire …

That’s why Redfern asked a man to tell him about the flying lizards seen here near Roswell. From the stories it became clear to the man that he was a local tourist guide himself pterodactyls, however, did not notice, but several times to him about it told tourists, for example, one of them told that distinctly I saw a flying lizard – over that mountain …

A photo from open sources

Guide many more interesting details about flying dinosaurs told Nick, and he, writing them down, would certainly use in TV show. But … neither he, nor even the almighty journalists of the channel could organically include the tour guide’s story in the program: such a transition seemed too improbable – from aliens to pterodactyls – even to the most faithful in all the wonders of our planet to specialists.

And do you think tourists really over the mountains of New Mexico saw pterodactyls or is it just a wild fantasy of American guide? However, if you yourself see flying in the sky pangolins, will you believe your eyes? And if you shoot this is a miracle, Are you sure everyone who sees this video will believe in it? Here that’s the same …

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