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Obsession, or total loss of control over oneself, is more common phenomenon, what is commonly thought. But what is it – physical illness or the influence of evil spirits?
Here is the explanation of this phenomenon obtained by the mediumistic by:
What is obsession?
When a person creates a negative in himself, and begins it accumulate, in a person a dark spot forms in the shell, through which a negatively tuned entity can stretch its thread. Man’s obsession is that he created around himself negative thought forms embody them.
How is it that a person becomes obsessed with?
This negative can come from fear and from the anger that is in it. there is. The energy shell of a person becomes darker, consists out of spots. These spots are the programs (thought forms) that separate and become independent at some temporary the gap. Their lifetime depends on the original message, given by man, the stronger the original thought, the it lasts longer. Similar thought forms can unite together (looks like a fusion of opaque balls) and form an independent small entity, which may have a primitive form of consciousness.
It turns out that such entities are directly connected to to another person who is completely healthy mentally? Or they are near their creator?
They can and so. Depends on how a person is, on how a person has accepted information if negative thoughts are present which he cannot release and accept in himself, without understanding situations living with it, then entities can influence it more influence. If comprehension begins to come, the spot dragging out …
Let’s look at a specific example, the so-called domestic murder, when a man got drunk, quarreled with his wife, grabbed a knife, committed murder, police … curtain … what happens in in this case and how?
A person who is under the influence of alcohol, really affected, covers from all sides as they say. After getting drunk heavily, he creates from those spots that he has, a wall instead of a shell (aura). More than around a person such a shell as a wall, the darker it is, the closer entities can approach him and draw a thread (connection). Then they can already influence a person with sufficient by force.
How is the merger? At what point?
At a certain point in a quarrel, a negative flashes in a person thought, it serves as a spark, as an urge to merge, into this the moment a person loses control of himself. The entity is connecting even more likely flows into a person.
That is, it turns out that the entity is in full control person at that moment?
This is so, an entity can approach or move away from it. Here got drunk, went to his wife to talk, begin to swear, in some the drunk moment reaches the limit. Everything in it is overflowing and in this the moment is losing itself. Here the essence takes control completely in its hands and begins to command: go to the kitchen – go, pull out the closet – pushed aside, take a knife – took. These thoughts sweep and everything is done very fast. Having taken the knife, the drunk is already running to another room and begins to produce known actions. At this moment of movements human consciousness is disabled due to overwhelming emotions. Essence to them completely captured and gets what it was created for.
Having completed his action when a man killed someone, essence leaves the human body and that later on entity?
It either completely dissolves after fulfilling its original destination, or moves away, gradually decreasing in size and collapsing, or remains in the aura of man. Basically man is possessed by the strongest thought form in size, more weak depart to the sides. A person may not have in his own aura with so much of its own negative, it can become the victim of connecting a strong thought form from the outside, which is easy attracted from the surrounding area … ..
How a person, when sober, reacts to this is?
After that, he may not necessarily repent, considering that he right without realizing the whole situation, because it can still be under control. It may repent, no matter. Everyone understands clearly only one thing that they were not sane. Some are asked the question is why exactly, why did so, repent. it certainly better for him.
But to take a moment when a person is not under exposure to alcohol, but in a fit of jealousy? Then how is it going on?
The essence paves the thread to the person, “persuades” through spot in the energy field, it’s also called “worm sharpens”, “toad smothers “, etc. In the end, the cup of patience is full and begins to pour over the edge, then an explosion may occur (merger), and each time it becomes more dangerous. Here envy, jealousy, are already playing on the negative emotions of a person, religious fanaticism and more …
How can you protect yourself from them?
There may be different options, they are known to all (meaning that preventing such thoughts in my head). Most of these the obsessed do not understand that they are in this state, only if they start to wonder why and what is with them. Then it takes a step forward, in terms of awareness and not in terms of release … overlap is only a positive attitude, pure thoughts ….