Oh, Russian stove, how I loved you!

Oh, Russian stove, how I loved you!A photo from open sources

The Russian stove appeared in Russia in the X century. At first she drowned in black, gradually acquiring that finished look with which successfully existed to this day. True, in Russian it has become increasingly difficult for villages to meet her. But in other way, Now there is a fashion (or maybe nostalgia for the past) for Russian stove, now it is often built by wealthy people in the country houses and cottages.

Of course, this is no longer just a bed, a nurse, a doctor, a bath (which only the Russian stove did not combine), but rather something aesthetic, like a western fireplace. However, such an “ideal stove “is often used for its intended purpose, even if only in plan baking and preparing original Russian dishes.

A photo from open sources

By the way, professional chefs and cooks more than once arranged a competition between a Russian stove, oven and microwave. And the stove, no doubt, left behind its modern counterparts. Any dish and any pastries in it turned out fragrant and surprisingly tasty, and according to experts, even more beneficial to our health.

If more and more beautifully appear in country houses performed (almost masterpieces of furnace art) Russian stoves, then in even a peculiar village was erected in the village of Petrovo, Kaluga Region Museum-monument of this nurse and couch. True, lie on such it’s unlikely that the furnace will be able to do, but you can completely walk through all of it back streets. The fact is that this furnace has eleven meters in height, and on it you can (and you need – for this and created) to walk like through the museum, from the inside studying this unique Russian creation. Let’s and we will walk along it (watch the video).

Oh, that broad, inventive Russian soul. Not stopping her be surprised. Well, tell me, what kind of people can come up with this Extreme sports like tank races?

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