Ohio driver talks about meeting with The moth

Ohio driver talks about meeting with MothmanA photo from open sources

If yeti or chupacabra are ubiquitous on our the planet, even lake monsters like Nessie are found in many ponds, but the Moth Man is purely American. Another story about meeting this mysterious humanoid, now truck driver, again concerns the USA, in particular Ohio State.

Moth Man on a Desert Night Track

This happened back in the summer of 2016, but the truck driver dared to share this event with cryptozoologists just now, and even then asked not to be named, because he is afraid of two of things. On the one hand, this can adversely affect his relations with workmates, friends, relatives (not he only had enough mockery of himself), and on the other – Joe (let’s we will arbitrarily call it that) believes that such confessions you can self-inflict trouble.

A photo from open sources

That summer night, a 32-year-old man was driving a brand truck Freightliner on highway number 322 towards a small town Chesterland. It was a bit foggy, so Joe didn’t exceed 50 miles per hour, although the road was completely deserted, to she was also illuminated by the moon. At about 4 a.m. he noticed that some strange shadow was moving over the track right towards his truck. The man immediately gave “on the brakes”, but for now the truck slowed down, something Something crashed into it anyway, or rather, something hit hard on the roof of the cab.

Joe got out of the car, checked it for damage, nothing didn’t notice this, thanked God that something strange and the incomprehensible did not fall into the windshield (otherwise it would be bad), and already I was about to go on, when I suddenly noticed behind the car thirty meters is Something. In the dim moonlight he thought at first, that it’s just a big bird, then I thought that, most likely a huge bat – the creature’s wings were very characteristic of this. But then the “mouse” stirred, rolled over and … got to her feet. It was some kind of creepy humanoid with huge wings, growth of at least 180 centimeters – just a monster of the night. AND this mysterious monster was now looking at John, drilling him big eyes of fire.

A photo from open sources

Fear fettered the driver’s body, why he could not even move. How long this lasted – he does not remember, but at some point The moth man (Joe figured out a bit later) straightened his huge wings, flapped them – and disappeared into the night sky …

Only then did the driver wake up from his stupor, quickly jumped into the cab and gave gas. Flew to Chesterland so as if police patrols were chasing him. Already with the dawn, Joe calmed down a bit, analyzed the situation and realized that he met on the night road the legendary Moth Man.

Fear mysterious nightly encounters

Having examined the car during the day, the American found a trace from the impact of this creepy humanoid on the roof of the cabin, but it was an incomprehensible trace, then there is no blood or any bodily residues, so in the hands of Joe had absolutely no evidence that on his The truck was attacked by the Moth Man. And did he attack? Cause there on empty night road, this monster could do with numb from fear man anything but preferred to fly away. In a word a riddle …

A photo from open sources

That’s why the American is still silent, and now he doesn’t want to tidy up this old thing, because he still I have to drive along that route, and often five at night. And although now he takes a weapon with him (just in case), this does not give him complete reassurance: after all, the Moth-Man, judging by everything has hypnosis and inhuman power: what it costs him to cope even with an armed man?

Why did Joe decide to share his story with cryptozoologists, he he doesn’t know: it’s very difficult to carry it around, but shared – and it seems to be easier, although still none of it acquaintances and relatives will not know about it. Yes, and the Moth Man himself is not can calculate it by name, if it’s some kind of sorcerer, a changeling or a monster from a parallel world …

Fear the night roads and mysterious encounters on them, gentlemen drivers! ..

Drivers Monsters

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