Touching a 300-year-old tree, the inhabitants of Zadonsk Lipetsk regions hope to get rid of diseases and gain God’s grace. A mighty tree sprouted through the wall of the house so that one side of it ended up inside the building, and the other outside.
– Our family moved here after the war, – says 83-year-old Varvara Polyakova. – Friends sheltered. But with the condition: do not touch the oak. They said three centuries ago under him Bishop Tikhon Zadonsky liked to rest. With time became large for the big family – they decided to make an extension. Barbara’s husband sent workers to cut down a tree.
A photo from open sources
– The men run into the house, they say, they started to saw the oak, and from it sounds were heard, as if singing. Like in a church, – recalls Baba Varya. – They abandoned the case, left. The husband also hired other workers. But only those took up the instrument, as the oak began to sing. We and decided: let it grow. In 1973, after the funeral of her husband Barbara with relatives heard familiar sounds. – Oak seemed not easy sings, and akathists read, – the pensioner recalls. – To the nearest church – Our Lady of Sorrows – half a kilometer – from there sounds could not be heard. Since then, singing has often been heard coming from oak. Six years ago, it sounded when Polyakova died daughter. – My daughter lived in Murmansk. Robbers climbed into her apartment, and they broke her head herself, ”Polyakova says. – I went out to the yard and heard a familiar tune. Just that day Galya died. AND there was still a miracle. In the middle of the night, an old woman was awakened by someone’s voice. Looked out the window – next to an oak woman in white. “Touch the tree, you’ll treat people, “said the ghost and disappeared. The pensioner really discovered the gift of healing. One advises tincture on acorns, to others – to touch a tree bark. If you stand for several minutes, hugging an oak tree, the diseases go away, and throughout the body grace is being poured. And in the late 90s, the tree cried bloody in tears.
A photo from open sources
Scientists from the Belarusian Institute of Theology named after Saints Methodius and Cyril conducted a study. It turned out that scarlet liquid is miro red. From time to time the oak streams. Scientists cut a twig and photographed. Having enlarged the picture, we discerned on notched image of a praying man. In Lipetsk and Yelets Dioceses of Varvara Polyakova and her miracle tree know. But they say in church literature about the life of Tikhon Zadonsky not found descriptions associated with it. And they advise the Orthodox not to fall into paganism and going to pray not to the oak, but to the temple.
“Burning Kupina” has grown into the trunk of a centuries-old pine
The tradition of worshiping trees dates back to pre-Christian times. Priests ancient Celts – the Druids cut from the oak mistletoe grown on it, from which cooked an elixir from diseases. According to legend, the druids were able make the trees move and often turn them into warriors, which fell upon the enemies. The ancient Jews were the first among sacred trees were considered similar oak and turpentine.
A photo from open sources
Many miracles are associated with trees. * In March of this years in the town of Stry Lviv region on a maple cut in the city the face of the Virgin appeared in the park. Pilgrims tumbled down to the miraculous to a tree. Lighted candles, asked the Virgin for health, plucked bark, which was brewed at home like tea. * Silhouette of a woman with a baby in his arms appeared on a slice of an old pear in a Ukrainian village An old man in the Poltava region in February 2010. Before the wonderful The image served a moleben. The image is constantly changing – the contours getting clearer. A few years before that, Ukrainians began witnesses of another miracle: on the chopped parts of a beech tree cut in Mukachevo forest in Western Ukraine, found the image of a cross. * On November 19, 1996, a resident of the city of Yuzh, Ivanovo Region, became to stoke the stove and pulled out a fire not a firewood that was not lit – in a tree there was an icon of the Mother of God “Burning Cupid”, rooted in the trunk century old pine. Nobody knows how she got there. Felled pine grew in a factory cemetery, where in 1900 it was built temple chapel. In 1924, the chapel was ravaged, and the cemetery was leveled with ground.