A photo from open sources According to preliminary data, discovered residents of the Soviet district of the city of Omsk, a substance similar to washing powder, in appearance resembles fine crystalline aluminosilicate in the chemical composition of which no environmentally harmful and hazardous mineral phases and toxic elements. This was reported in the press service. General Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation for the Omsk Region with reference to Information from the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere nature management (Rosprirodnadzor) in the Omsk region. “Aluminosilicates are a group of natural and synthetic silicates, common in nature and up to 50% of the mass of the earth’s crust. It is a non-toxic substance. Used in many industries industry, – explained in the Ministry of Emergencies. – About test results research will be announced additionally upon receipt through official analyzes from Rosprirodnadzor of the Omsk Region. ” Rescuers recommend limiting the walking of young children to fresh air, sports. October 16 at the Control Center crisis situations of the General Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia for Omsk information from specialists of Rosprirodnadzor received information about detection by residents of residential buildings located on the streets Velvet, Zaozernaya, Strelnikova, Pushkin tract (all streets located on the territory of the Soviet administrative district Omsk), on the territory adjacent to their residential buildings, white powder (plaque) odorless, in appearance and size of particles resembling washing. Precipitation in the form of a white powder previously fell in August this year on the streets of Velvet, Zaozernaya, Strelnikova, Pushkin tract of the city of Omsk. They were recognized as aluminosilicate. By according to experts, in its chemical composition are not environmentally friendly mineral phases harmful and hazardous to health and toxic elements.
Health Russia