A photo from open sources
The American city of Elkhart in northern Indiana has a very unusual and somewhat eerie monument. On the at the intersection of Riverside Drive and Lexington Avenue cement block into which countless teeth are embedded. From afar the block looks quite normal – it even serves to separate sidewalk and roadway.
However, if you do not know about this curious sights and see it better, you can be horrified seeing hundreds of human teeth. You might think that this is the result. the work of some sophisticated serial killer or even real mysticism (just think, teeth grow out of cement!), however, in reality, everything is much more prosaic.
The author of this work is local dentist Joseph Stamp, who lived in Elkhart from 1890 to 1978 and studied dentistry for six decades. During this time, he managed to remove fellow countrymen hundreds of diseased teeth. Surprisingly, the medic did not throw removed fangs, incisors, molars and premolars of patients, and carefully put them in a barrel filled with a disinfectant.
A photo from open sources
It’s hard to say exactly why Stamp did it. According to Susan Howard, dentist’s granddaughter, her grandfather was unbelievable a degree of a lean person and almost never anything in his life did not throw out. Probably the American thought that even pulled out teeth can be used, and, apparently, not I lost it.
Once, in the fifties of the last century, during repair work in the man’s house ended with crushed stone, and the dentist poured cement your collection of human teeth. It turned out a very durable block. When Joseph passed away, someone pulled a block from his site and dumped on one of the main streets. First, the townspeople figured out what the work must be taken out of sight, but no one bothered to do this, and the block remained lying near the road. With In time, Elkhart residents began to claim that the cement sculpture lies here on purpose, serving as a memory of a man who was professional and set for their dental Services are very affordable fee.
Some even tried to find gold teeth in the block, however to no avail.
Time Stones USA