On the Dyatlov pass found another trace, able to shed light on the mysterious death of tourists

On the Dyatlov pass found another trail that can shed light on the mysterious death of touristsA photo из открытых источников <

This is a fragment of a rocket, which, incidentally, was discovered in 2008, but since then he has been lying on the pass. But only today they decided to lower him and examine him.

That’s what the journalists of “Ura.ru” learned from the head of the memory fund Dyatlov Yuri Kuntsevich groups:

A strange metal part, he explained, in size meter per meter, was discovered on the pass by accident one from tourists. Ten years have passed since then, and only now we were able to organize a special expedition to descend this the wreckage. By the way, her location in 2008 was noted in GPS-navigator, so there wasn’t much problem in searching, another the thing is that this required special equipment. IN present fragment, most likely UR-100 missiles delivered to Ekaterinburg. Now he is waiting for a thorough examination by specialists. We hope this somehow helps to shed light on the mysterious death of tourists that occurred on the pass in 1959 year.

Note that over the past ten years, photographs of this metal fragments have been studied and discussed many times various experts who almost unanimously agreed that, most likely, the tourist discovered a fragment of the fuel tank UR-100 intercontinental ballistic missile. But one thing photographs and more – a direct examination of the material evidence.

Although most Internet users are confident that the point is no one can ever deliver this mysterious business. Firstly, too much time has passed, and secondly, numerous versions of the tragedy from which it is no longer possible to separate the truth from fiction, turned the history of the Dyatlov group into a mystical fantasy a story that is more suitable for cinema or a pen writer than for the story. However, filmmakers and writers that’s how they perceive it …

Dyatlov Pass Rocket Time

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