On the wise and noble Gaddafi, let us say word

About the wise and noble Gaddafi put in a wordPhoto from open sources

The reign of Libyan leader Muammar lasted 41 years Gaddafi. During this time, he has done amazingly much for the country, and also fought hard to unite and strengthen the economy African states. The image of the evil dictator who so heavily imposed by the Western media, does not fit this wise and selfless person.

Housing is everyone’s natural right of man

Gaddafi’s theoretical program work, which is called The Green Book, states that housing is basic the need of both the individual and the family, and therefore no one else does not have the right to own it. This political and philosophical code Gaddafi, first published back in 1975, was intended for general public acquaintance.

Education, medical care should be free

Under the leadership of Gaddafi, Libya has created the best in African and Arab world health system. Not only that, if the Libyans do not could in their country receive the necessary medical care or desired education, they were provided with means to solve these problems abroad.

The world’s largest and most unique irrigation project

The largest irrigation system in the world, the so-called “the great man-made river,” created in Libya, in order to ensure all country of water resources. The system that Gaddafi himself called the eighth wonder of the world, financed by his government.

The best conditions for starting in the agricultural business

Every Libyan who wants to farm, received land, house, livestock, and seed stock – all without paying taxes.

Social benefits for all newborns

Libyan women who have given birth to a child received a benefit the size of which amounted to 5 thousand dollars.

Electricity – Free

Electricity was provided to Libyan citizens for free. Accounts for her, the country simply did not exist.

Gas for a penny

Under Gaddafi, a liter of gasoline in Libya cost 14 cents.

Education at the highest level

Before Gaddafi came to power, a quarter of Libyans were illiterate. With him, the literacy rate rose to 87%, and a quarter The population received university degrees.

People’s State Bank

Libya, led by Gaddafi, is the only country in the world – owned a bank that was wholly owned by the state, and practically – to the people. From him, citizens received interest-free loans. In addition, Libya had no external debt.

Golden dinar against the dollar – the last straw USA

Before his tragic death, Gaddafi sought the introduction of a unified African gold currency. He, like the late great pioneer Marcus Harvey speaking of the “United States of Africa” sought to introduce a single currency – the African gold dinar. it would radically change the global economy, stop circulation of the dollar as a world currency and thereby bring America to its knees.

African states had the opportunity to get out of debt and hopeless poverty only through precious trade raw materials. They could stop foreign exploitation and appoint the optimal price of their resources. Golden dinar became the main the cause of American interference in Libyan affairs, which led to in the end to the overthrow of Gaddafi.

The United States is playing a similar scenario in Ukraine today. And therefore Libya and Ukraine are on fire of civil war, and their inhabitants turn into poor beggars who seek to escape by any means from own country.

Watch the video about the wise and noble Gaddafi, who put his life in the fight against dominance in the world of the American dollar, against the dominance of world bankers, for the happiness of their people.

USA Ukraine Economy

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