On video: bigfoot runs through the forest

On video: bigfoot runs through the forestPhotos from open sources of

Foreign cryptozoologists received another record with a picture of a big foot made several years ago and transmitted to them just now. The footage below was shot on February 15, 2013. years in the American territory of Bel Valley in the state Pennsylvania.

The author of the video wrote the following to the researchers:

That day I decided to leave the house and take a walk along railway passing near the forest. At a certain point, I tired of walking and went along the path to the forest to find a tree stump or a fallen tree and sit on it. Over time after I found such a tree and crouched on it, I unexpectedly noticed a tall black figure standing about 30 meters from me. I took out my smartphone, which I wanted to shoot trains on, and began to record this creature on camera. I think it noticed me, because it suddenly abruptly stumbled and ran to the left. Then it stopped behind a group of trees and ran into opposite side. The speed of his movement was incredible high, given the snow, branches and stones on the ground. I soon lost him out of sight. I honestly don’t know what that was. I will not the confidence to say that it was big foot, but I can say for sure that it was not a man. I was very afraid that he would run into mine side, but this, fortunately, did not happen.

The American did not explain why he was hiding this entry almost five years and why suddenly decided to share with her now. However, cryptozoologists and other independent researchers mysterious creatures that periodically appear in our world, they simply explain it: people often don’t believe not only their eyes, but even received photo and video materials. For this reason, a large part of these records, not to mention oral or written testimony just disappears. But sometimes witnesses mysterious events as if “wake up” and begin to pull out old materials to the light, sharing them with experts …


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