A photo from open sources
American-funded biolaboratory in Georgia can be used for sabotage against Russia. Such an opinion expressed the chief sanitary doctor of our country Gennady Onishchenko.
“According to our estimates, this laboratory is an important link in the offensive part of the US military biological potential, “- Onishchenko said. Earlier, the head of Rospotrebnadzor said that US Navy biolaboratory in Georgia synthesizes African infection plague of pigs that hit our agriculture. According to experts, Onishchenko should be treated with all seriousness, not attributing them to political differences between states.
Recently, measures undertaken by Onishchenko’s department perceived by many Russian citizens as a means political pressure on a particular country. After all, the ban on Ukrainian sweets or Lithuanian butter account for exactly diplomatic scandal. Quarreled with Georgia – their wine turned out to be unhealthy, Saakashvili lost the election – immediately the wine became useful. True, few people pay attention to whether illicit foods were good. And they really called complaints from consumers.
Now we are talking about a slightly more important matter than quality products. Accusations of developing biological weapons are highly serious. Due to similar reasons, the United States launched a war in Iraq and a little was not started in Syria.
In fact, we are talking about the fact that the United States violated the International Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling stocks of bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons and on their destruction (BTWC), signed back in 1972 and supported to date by 168 states. Including, Russia, Georgia and the USA.
US Ambassador to Tbilisi Denies All Accusations, and Minister Georgian Health Authority Lab Says exclusively peaceful research of viral infections in Russia. But To be honest, they have little faith. Everyone in the world knows that Americans are not stop at nothing in achieving their goals, and Georgia memorable war of 2008.
In addition, the Americans in 2001 refused to coordinate measures to verify compliance with the provisions of the BTWC. And it is through the fault of the United States the convention is still declarative in nature. But on Pentagon laboratory construction program has spent considerable money: more than 30 million dollars.
It’s not clear how American laboratories in the area Georgia (access to which Georgians themselves do not have) can study viral infections in Russia. Only if you collect clippings from ours newspapers about diseases. But then why build a secret laboratory on the territory of a military base in Gachiani near Tbilisi, if possible create a collection point in the United States.
According to the academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Valery Glazko, develop biological weapons US specialists could, but it’s unlikely to apply:
– In the laboratories, you can create anything. But in practice it’s unlikely whether the Americans could engage in similar projects. In flashes swine fever rather blame our disorder. After all, if If you launch a pandemic, then it will inevitably return to you. During World War I, more people died from the Spanish woman, than from the war itself. It is clear that when the virus starts, it will suffer people. Personally, I do not believe in the use of such technologies. FROM By the invention of the aircraft, the boundaries for distribution ceased exist. Moreover, viruses mutate quickly: humans he becomes ill, and after a year another virus already appears. Personally for me surprising reasoning Onishchenko. We already went through the “search enemies. ”
“SP”: – Despite all the measures, the virus can occur all equally?
– Previously, undeveloped territory on the planet was up to 20%. Now such lands remained about 3%. We have changed the biological environment. Grow from here diseases. We are starting to live in a different world. And microbiota changes faster than the person himself.
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of Kuban State Agrarian University Nadezhda Kulikova suggests that the targeted use of infections is quite perhaps:
– Theoretically, you can remove the virus and infect them. But oh I have not heard the practical application of such technologies.
“SP”: – Is it possible to apply the infection pointwise?
– Any virus can be used pointwise. Especially in animal husbandry. You can destroy livestock in closed enterprises. In order to prevent and prevent diseases in we are campaigning for the construction of closed enterprises. it the veterinary requirement is fulfilled, in particular, in our Krasnodar Territory. Workers take off all their clothes before work, undergo disinfection. When leaving the enterprise again pass disinfection. This is how modern enterprises work. There is a probability up to 99.99% that the animals do not get sick. In our region, even banned keep pigs in private farms where there is no closed regime. But in cattle can be destroyed as a result of sabotage.
“SP”: – The virus may appear in a closed enterprise?
– May appear through birds, mice, insects. Recently we have there was an epidemic of bird flu. It turned out that she was transferred migratory birds that themselves were not sick. But bear the infection in livestock farming is more difficult.
“SP”: – Is it possible to remove the virus for a specific type of animal or plants?
– Of course you can. The problem is that viruses mutate quickly. And it’s becoming very difficult to fight this virus, like in medicine, so in livestock. Animals are vaccinated against diseases, but viruses new ones are constantly appearing.
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Specialist in Military Virology Mikhail Supotnitsky pays attention to the fact that US activity in Georgia is too much like pre-war chores:
– The use of biological weapons is possible. For example, a virus, which recently struck cattle in Belarus, was in foreign feed.
But most importantly, it’s not clear why the Americans organized this epidemic research center in Russia. It is always built before the war such laboratories. For example, in the 1930s such laboratories built by the Japanese.
Now such a center exists not only in Georgia, but also in Kharkov, and in Odessa, and in Kazakhstan, and in Uzbekistan. Russia from all sides surrounded by such centers. And Onishchenko correctly says that here not everything is clean.
“SP”: – Maybe the Americans are just studying diseases so that they to win?
– But why then they do not invite us to cooperation? Moreover these centers are not the World Health Organization, not some kind of civilian structure, namely the US Department of Defense. Onishchenko asks a logical question.
“SP”: – Can I apply the infection pointwise?
– The only event for swine fever is destruction of the infected herd. And you can infect with imported feed. I think that Onishchenko does not share all the information with the society that he has. After all, it has a large structure collects information. He shows concern not on empty location. The things he says about the swine fever are very serious.
Statement by Gennady Onishchenko could not but cause public resonance. The only question left is how to prevent it. the threat of using biological weapons. Seek receipt United Nations laboratory bombing mandate hopelessly. Voluntarily, the United States will not close them either. Vice President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems Konstantin Sokolov sees a solution to the problem of ridding mankind of threats only in a radical change in the prevailing world order. According to expert, it can happen very soon.
– Georgians have long earned money on anti-Russian politicians, this is no secret to anyone. But I find it difficult to say how our country can affect Georgia. Obviously by force in a way this problem is not solved. After all, this question is not about Georgia, but about confrontation with the United States.
“SP”: – Perhaps the Americans only want to help others countries defeat the disease.
– The USA can apply any methods. What is the recent scandal with Snowden who discovered tracking programs heads of foreign states. A huge the number of attempts on Fidel Castro. There are many others similar stories. Their use of biological weapons is unlikely will cause surprise.
“SP”: – Is it possible to somehow protect myself when other countries ready for any action?
– Changes are possible only at the level of the world re-arrangement of forces. US policy focuses on meeting the needs of a narrow group persons close to the global transnational oligarchy. She’s not in in no case serves the interests of either residents of other countries or simple Americans.
The current budget crisis in the United States can be called successful PR action. The society is accustomed to the idea that the US state is ready to any neglect of their obligations and is capable of police methods to pacify the discontented in the world. There is hope that now the countries on the planet will finally understand who the main source is their troubles. After that, the politics in the world will go completely different plane.
Viruses War Time Money Birds Russia USA Epidemics