Only 399 million years needed to repay US government debt

A photo from open sources

The Most Important predicts that with the current level 17.9 trillion debt $ 398 million will be required to repay it 879 thousand 561 years of work with an average level of wages. it means that even if every man, woman and child in The United States will work throughout the year in order to get rid of the debts that the government has coughed up on their behalf, it will not be enough. Keep in mind, this means making everything what do you earn without putting anything back on your own necessary needs – real slavery. Now instead of talk about the amount of government debt of 18 trillion. dollars that tells most people nothing, tell them that it will take almost 400 million man-years to pay it off. What if take into account unsecured obligations, then the years of work needed to pay a debt amount, are equal to an amazing figure in 2.38 billion years of work. And the years of necessary slavery continue grow. The amount of debt alone is meaningless to you, but from the point your future enslavement, it will be much better understood. At the end of 2000, the debt amounted to 177 million. man hours, which means that over the past 14 years, the debt of the future generations of Americans more than doubled.


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