Our world can be a simulation created by a higher civilization?

Can our world be a simulation created by a higher civilization?A photo from open sources

In the US city of Rancho Palos Verdes ended yesterday international conference on high technologies and their impact on human life. The event was attended CEOs of renowned companies such as Microsoft, Google, and “Ford.”

The conference was also attended by a Canadian-American inventor and businessman Elon Musk, engaged in his impressive career virtual payment systems, electric vehicles, space rockets and many other projects. Forty-four entrepreneur whose fortune is estimated at twelve billion dollars, did not fail to tell reporters about his vision modern world and make predictions for the future.

Musk said his SpaceX company, which produces space technique, intends to send people to Mars as early as 2024. IN next year, the company’s specialists will complete the construction interplanetary ship “Dragon Version 2”, which can accommodate in a crew of seven, and begin testing the aircraft apparatus. In 2018, this device will go to the Red Planet in unmanned mode. Ilon himself intends to fly in the coming years in space, however, so far is only in Earth orbit.

Simulation of our world is quite possible.

Communicating with the media, the inventor touched on his favorite topic of artificial intelligence. As you know, at the end last year, Musk founded the nonprofit firm “OpenAI”, engaged in the study of intelligent machines, and at the beginning of the same years donated ten million dollars to research issues AI experts from other companies and institutions. Long time businessman admitted that he fears the impact of artificial intelligence on our civilization. According to Ilon, a person is becoming more lazy and helpless, while robots are constantly improving and getting smarter, which can lead to events at some point, shown in the Terminator movie series.

A photo from open sources

Speaking of films, Musk noted that the plot of the Matrix trilogy may also not be as far from reality as people they think. The inventor suggests that our world may well represent a simulation created by a higher civilization from future, by otherworldly inhabitants or representatives extraterrestrial society. It is possible that we all lie in the present moment in identical capsules, and wires are connected to our brains, creating the illusion of a full life on the planet. Although all this can be much more original in terms of matrix organization, than we can imagine.

Perhaps for this reason, man is still not in able to leave Earth. The space revolution has long begun, and we can’t fly to the moon again or even for the first time. Are we not allowed to go there precisely because there is no far there is really no space for us, and virtual reality – the matrix in which we are “located” is limited to only one a planet? And our starry sky is nothing more than a simulation with appropriate “space”, possible for the flight of only our primitive rockets …

Life in a matrix Life Artificial Intelligence Robots

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