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In 1957 American physicist Hugh Everett unveils his theory multiverse. The scientist suggested that since quantum the particle can simultaneously be in different places and different quantum states, this proves the existence of at least one parallel world.
More than half a century has passed, and now at the end of 2014. Professor Weisman by colleagues at Griffith University as well as California University calculated that in fact there is a huge many interconnected worlds, and this allows us to explain a number of unusual effects and phenomena of quantum mechanics.
So what are parallel worlds? In my life each of us constantly makes any decisions and makes those or other actions. Each such action determines in which of parallel worlds man will exist until adoption next decision. For example, there is a world in which someone went to street, set off on a certain route and safely reached to the goal, and there is a world in which the same person chose a different path and hit the car.
Thus, in other parallel worlds, the “scenery” is the same, as in our world, but events are developing in a different scenario. For example, in one of the worlds, America was not discovered by Europeans, but Russian. In another – this discovery was not at all, and the natives and left to live savages. In the third world, they are already in full contact with universal mind; in the fourth, they are constantly fighting; fifth – came to the long-awaited spiritual enlightenment, and so on and so forth, and so on … By the way, there is a chance that both America and the Earth itself in parallel worlds will be completely different from what we see.
In his books The Keepers, the hypnotist-regressionist Dolores Cannon writes that in a state of hypnosis, her patients recall how they were abducted by extraterrestrial beings, and explain why people can’t see aliens. The thing is that UFOs are on different vibration frequency.
Having delved into this issue, we can assume that this change in frequency, slowing down or accelerating time is those same parallel worlds. And then why look in the universe intelligent life, if it runs parallel to ours? If take into account that every quantum particle of a person can exist in any of the objects of the universe, it can be argued that man is in all matter, that he is the Universe!
So says science. It is curious that esoterics do not mind against the parallelism of worlds and declares that any of us can get into such a world if at the molecular level it accelerates its worldview. This, as you know, is about traveling in time.
One of the parallel worlds is the so-called afterlife a world where the souls of the dead go. It also exists somewhere near us and is constantly in contact with what really exists for us the physical world. Familiar, any contact with the world of the dead or some manifestations of it in our reality we call mysticism. But What is mysticism? And why is science increasingly interested in this phenomenon and no longer rejects it as in former times, attributing all this paranormalism is only the imagination of believers or mentally crazy people? Is it because the world of the dead is actually represents only one of many parallel universes …
This topic is extremely interesting and modern. science seems to be close to unraveling the mysteries of multidimensionality space and time.
Time Universe Life Parallel Worlds