Mystics believe: people whose names are heard daily and hourly, not destined to reincarnate on Earth in a material shell. This is the price of fame. What is this conclusion drawn from? About 6 we and tell you. A walk with Pushkin. A couple of years ago, my wife and I celebrated the New Year visiting our friend in Tsarskoye Selo. TO the evening of the next day we went for a walk to Catherine’s park. It was wonderful weather, soft, snowy, with a slight frost. We are with pleasure walked to our favorite places, driving unhurried a conversation about everything that is close to the soul and heart. And read poetry, and, of course – Pushkin! After all, there, near the lyceum, everything breathes the memory of him, his spirit is invisibly present … However, as it turned out a little later, he is present very visibly. We had with us camera, and our friend took a lot of pictures. Coming back home, downloaded them to the computer. They began to browse. Peering into a photo taken near the Cameron Gallery, I just don’t have my eyes believed. Against the background of this historical monument, behind us the outlines of some face (the upper part) clearly appeared very similar to the face of Alexander Sergeyevich. Take a look carefully on the picture and agree, it’s very similar! Behind the back of the author of the article and his wife clearly outlined the upper part of the face resembling the face of A.S. Пушкина A photo изopen sources Really really the spirit of the great Russian the poet walked with us along the favorite corners of the park, listened to our artless speeches, he listened to the sounds of his masterpieces that flew from our mouth (which would be nice to any writer) ?! And why did he decide detect your presence this way? The answer to these questions is I’m not there. But, delving into the topic, I found out that the appearance of spirits dead (and great, and unremarkable, simple) people The present inhabitants of the Earth are not so rare. Why is this going on? A man is alive, while he is remembered Curious theory put forward by the Danish philosopher and parapsychologist Frederick Björnsen. Collecting and having systematized a lot of evidence about the phenomena of people’s spirits, living in different eras in different corners of our planet, he drew attention to one thing. In the vast majority of cases, from the other world just come or relatively recently deceased relatives or acquaintances – generally close people – so that warn a person of danger to him or warn against rash acts. So, to the resident of Copenhagen Marte S. the spirit of his father, who died a month ago, appeared and ordered to take everything from the bank your savings. The woman obeyed. And what? Soon broke out financial crisis, and this bank burst. Amsterdam resident David G. came back late at night from the party (note, in some drinking). He wandered through the dark streets of an evil neighborhood glory. Wanting to shorten the path, I wanted to turn into an alley – and suddenly I saw a whitish translucent figure at the intersection. Peering the young man recognized a rocker friend who had recently crashed on a motorcycle. is he wanted to get closer, but the spirit made a prohibiting sign with his hand. Wherein a certain force pushed David into the chest and turned away from lane. The guy went the other way. And the next day he found out that last night a man was robbed and killed in this alley … In second place in frequency are the phenomena of the spirits of famous people: poets, artists, musicians, artists, etc. Björnsen in his The Transcendental Phenomenon gives many such examples. IN the same time, the appearance of the spirits of people unfamiliar, unknown witness, – a thing extremely rare, isolated. Based on these Björnsen concludes that spirits are kept on Earth is our memory, our ideas about once living people. Not in vain but in many cultures there is an expression that a person is alive, while alive memory of him. Remembering a relative who left us, getting to know life, deeds and creativity of famous people in the lessons of history, literature and other school subjects, reading books, watching films, conducting “cultural” conversations, we kind of resurrect them from nothingness, we attract to ourselves – and thus we do not give to prepare for the new embodiment. The energy essence, the immortal component, that called soul, doomed to wander in our world (and possibly in other worlds) until the name of the one in whose body is forgotten she was in her last incarnation. If it’s about simple a person whom a limited circle of friends knows and remembers, acquaintances, relatives of 2-3 generations, this period of wanderings in the image of the spirit will be comparatively short – a maximum of one and a half centuries. But if you are famous and inscribed your name in the history of mankind – to be you spirit until the end of time, more precisely, to the end of our civilization. This is the price of fame. Oh, to know who dictates these lines! .. At the time of my student youth in the literary the association visited by the author of these lines was engaged in by someone Sergei V. Therefore, he was very mediocre, but very prolific. For each lesson he brought a heap of verses, with rapture read them in front of “colleagues in the poetry workshop” – and was very offended to friendly criticism. And they criticized him mercilessly, beat him with a word swipe, literally smeared on the wall. He was angry, but not gave up, came to execution again and again. And then one day in the evening Sergey came into my room (we lived in the same dormitory) and, embarrassed, handed me a piece: – Here, read it. I looked – and stupefied. A short, three stanza poem – but how cool written! Gorgeous metaphors, accurate, unsubstantiated rhymes, excellent composition – in general, even now in a reader on literature, in company with the hopscotch. It seems that he wrote this is not Sergey, but some other person, a great master poetic word. – Seryozha, there are no words! Ingenious! But how is it for you managed? “You won’t believe it,” he answered and said that all evening struggled over one poem, and in no way it was given to him. And so went to sleep. And at night in a dream his beloved poet Sergei Yesenin appeared to him – young, light, elegant, golden-haired. And dictated these lines. And finally he said: – Do not believe that I hanged myself in Angleterre. I am not a suicide. Chekists killed me, by betrayal and the stipulation of my friend-comrades. This will be known soon.
Фотоfrom open sources And it was in the 1970s when the version about Yesenin’s murder practically did not rise. It is now after film with Bezrukov in the title role, it is exaggerated by everyone and sundry. And then to say that the security officers killed Yesenin was not only inadvertently, but also unsafe … Favorite places of spirits In a great deal of evidence can be found in occult literature about meetings with the spirits of famous people. And each of them has favourite places. For example, Pushkin most often appears in Tsarskoye. Sele. Paul I wanders around the Mikhailovsky Castle. Grigory Rasputin He settled in the house on Gorokhovaya. Moreover, according to the tenants, he he tries in every possible way to maintain order in the house and only sometimes allows himself a little bully. The Spirit of George Friedrich Handel seen more than once in house number 25 on Brook Street in London, where the composer spent the second half of his life and passed away. Ghost singer Elvis Presley sometimes finds himself in his house in Graceland, in studios in Nashville where he made the last recordings as well as at the hotel Hilton in Las Vegas. Marilyn Monroe appears in her favorite room Roosevelt Hotel. She was also seen wandering among the tombstones. not far from your own grave at Westwood Memorial Cemetery In Los Angeles.
Photo from open sources Villains are doomed to immortality. Spirit of adolphe Hitler, for example, settled in the Berghof residence in the valley Berchtes Gaden in the Bavarian Alps, where, being at the peak of his power, he spent most of the time. Already at the end of the war, looking out the window of the Berghof residence, Hitler said: “It is here Germany will find me in millennia. “Starting from the 40s of the XX century locals and tourists have seen the ghost of the Fuhrer repeatedly. Kremlin employees at night meet the ghost of Lenin. Moreover, in recently, the leader of the revolution began to behave actively. He used to roamed the Kremlin corridors with an indifferent look, and now he began excitedly threatening someone with his fist. It looks like he wants us about something to warn … By the way, Nicholas II saw before the coronation the ghost of John the Terrible. And he told him about the future inglorious reign and collapse of the dynasty. It may have delivered the spirit pleasure: revenge is a sweet dish, and the Romanovs had a hand in the suppression of the Rurik dynasty. The death of Tsarevich Dimitri – death Prince Alexei. An eye for an eye … But back to the photograph. Interestingly, Pushkin also wanted to warn us about something? Or maybe was he just fine next to us? Nikolay MEDVEDEV
Time Grigory Rasputin Life