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The mysterious discovery of an American psychologist
In January 2006, he came to a New York psychologist man with problems in his personal life. He explained to the doctor for a long time how he doesn’t have a relationship with the fair sex, and in between mentioned one unusual detail. The patient reported that he was for many years dreaming of the same man whom he never met. A find for the Freudian, many will think. However not so simple.
The psychologist asked if the client can draw, and it turned out that the latter studied at an art school. He portrayed ballpoint pen on a piece of paper of a man forty to fifty years old with round face, wide mouth, big eyes, high forehead, lush eyebrows and a noticeable bald head. Far from handsome, therefore the doctor’s assumptions about the patient’s possible homosexuality right there went to the “no”.
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For a long time this drawing was forgotten in the doctor’s desk, while in one fine day the psychologist did not begin to search for some document for his other client. When the sheet was on the table, the woman as if struck by lightning. “Where did you get the drawing with this man ?!” – the patient exclaimed in amazement. She swore she was already long time at night dreams of a stranger depicted on a photo sketch. The doctor was skeptical at first, however, the woman looked so excited that the psychologist promised to try to figure it out.
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Soon he sent a photobot to a dozen of his colleagues, and during Six months, four Americans recognized the face in the figure. Amazing but all of them, as one, called him “this man.” Moreover, patients psychologists did not know each other at all. Heart experts had to Explain to shocked customers where they got this image from.
One of the patients decided to create a site dedicated to a man from dreaming. The mystery surrounding this story is fast brought the Internet resource great popularity. Oh mystical personalities spoke in the news, teens scared each other “by this man, “describing him in his stories as a certain Freddy Krueger, and psychologists tried to explain the unusual phenomenon rationally.
Does a dream about a stranger portend anything bad?
Since 2006, more than two hundred thousand people from all over of our planet announced that they periodically communicate in a dream with an enigmatic stranger. Messages come from Los Angeles, Berlin, Cairo, Toronto, Sao Paulo, Tehran, Beijing, Tokyo, Rome, Barcelona, Stockholm, Paris, Delhi, Moscow, Kiev, Astana and many other cities scattered around the globe.
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The phenomenon does not lend itself to any logical explanation and striking in itself, but even more surprising is the fact that the stranger behaves in the dreams of each of those chosen the same way.
They say that a metaphysical guest, despite his the most attractive appearance, inspires in a dream full confidence and calmness. A stranger never talks about himself, however much asks about those who dream. Stranger interested in details. everyday life of random earthlings, their views on the world, their attitude to To God and the cosmos, childhood memories and cherished dreams. Nothing sinister or potentially fatal in him, as claimed eyewitnesses are not at all felt.
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For many people, he became a kind of friend. Sometimes the mysterious man even gives tips and tricks that always prove to be extremely helpful. However, he does this, judging by everything, only when he believes that his help is extremely necessary.
“This person” is almost not people under twenty years old. More often In all, he dreams of individuals over forty.
Why does a stranger dream about the inhabitants of the earth?
Several theories of what is happening are put forward. One of them says that the stranger is a psychological archetype – innate in a way that unconsciously arises in a dream of many personalities in time of adversity. In almost all people, the brain has the same structure, and scientists are convinced that many of us for this reason may dream the same face that we never met in reality.
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The second hypothesis is religious. Some believers suggest that we are talking about one of the images of the Creator, which appears to us in a dream for a specific purpose. For example, to allow gain faith or, as mentioned above, help to overcome these or other adversities.
The following theory is no less interesting. According to her, she lives in the world a person with a unique ability to visit other people’s dreams outside depending on the distance at which you are from it so called recipients into whose dreams he penetrates. Perhaps it seemingly unremarkable resident of some hinterland, who can use his gift just for fun. Can, because “this man” only does what he listens to the lives of others, without revealing to anyone the details of their existence.
And finally, another materialistic assumption. Someone believes that the described phenomenon originated from nowhere and became grow rapidly like a snowball rolling from a mountain. A client of an American psychologist drew a portrait of a man whom saw in a dream. Another patient stated that she, too, was dreaming of this stranger. A woman with mental problems could lie and even sincerely believe in your own lie. Doctor’s colleagues showed the notorious image robot to other patients, and off we go. And when a whole website dedicated to “this man” has appeared, many The regulars of the Internet, impressed by this story, themselves became to dream a person with a similar appearance.
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But theories and theories that do not claim to be true, but describe only one of the more or less plausible scenarios.
Surely you should not be scared if you also suddenly dream of “this man, “leaflets with a portrait of which have already begun to appear on the streets of many cities. However, in a hurry to immediately tell him everything about yourself is probably not worth it either. Because no one is sure know where we go when our mortal shell lies in bed at night, and whom we can meet there …
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Life time