Peru: In Puno huge cracks

A photo from open sources

The panic swept nearly 200 residents of the rural community of Tuni Requena (Tuni Requena), Taraco (Huancan), where on agricultural land cracks appeared. Although cracks discovered for about two years ago, were destroyed by erosion and by the peasants themselves, still faults exist on the earth that cannot be detected, and this worries residents who believe that cracks can open at any moment, leading to the unexpected death of both people and cattle.

A photo from open sources

From this perspective, the vice-governor of the community, Alejandro Sakachipana Iucra (Alejandro Sacachipana Yucra), demanded the presence of professionals in the field (geologists), due to the growing fear of a crack, as residents assure, which for some time back exhaled gas (smelling of blood) scaring cattle. “Crack previously had an expansion of one hundred meters, over time, gradually condensed by rain and disappeared … But, there are still holes that generate fear in the area due to possible landslides … “, – said Lucretia Sevallos Condori.

A photo from open sources

Meanwhile, Timothea Pandia Molina, a local resident, says that crack depth has never been measured, remaining one more a factor that creates alarm among locals who are somewhat suspicious of the appearance of such formations in the earth.

A photo from open sources

After all, the director of the community school, Juan Cokecalagiata Mamani, pointed out that this hole continues to be serious danger to children who swarm in the field, and requires the presence of specialists in this field. Translation: Alex Crete

Time peru

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