A photo from open sources
American author Edward Grifin in his book “A World Without Cancer” describes the truth about one discovery that is hidden, about healing the properties of vitamin B17, also called laetrile or amygdalin.
This substance quickly kills cancer cells. The author cites evidence of successful treatment for cancer patients and scientific explanations of its action and asks the question – why is the traditional medicine does not use it in the fight against an insidious disease. From the moment his discoveries in clinics were healed by many people before he was banned by pharmaceutical companies.
Grifin understands that the problem of using vitamin B17 traditional medicine is not in the scientific plane, but connected with the policy of the world elite in the field of oncology. Billions of dollars spent every year on cancer research and treatment, billions spent on the production of chemicals to combat the disease. And so the secret of vitamin B17 is an economic motive for the dominant pharmaceutical industry. In other words, cancer patients are more likely to live than die.
If the truth weren’t hiding about this, a huge end would come profits of the giant pharmaceutical industry. If one an ordinary vitamin can treat cancer, then it will instantly fall apart the whole machine, allowing enrichment through suffering and death people. Pharmaceutical companies will never hold research this simple product that is sold in all stores because they cannot patent natural product.
Vitamin B17, which kills cancer, is found in fruit the bones are mostly apricot. They were announced a medicine against all types of cancer 35 years ago. After second World War Dr. Max Gerson successfully treated patients and included him into his cancer treatment methodology.
Amygdalin is found in the seeds of apricot, almond, and bitter almonds, cherries, peaches, plums, apple seeds, sorghum, millet, flaxseed, lentils, some legumes, grapes, some herbs and in many other products that modern man does not consumes.
Civilized lifestyle makes us eat products from refined flour, sugar, vegetable oil and other factory foods while natural organic foods are already long absent from our menu. Our grandparents ate natural unrefined foods, and cancer was a rare occurrence. They are consumed dried fruits, natural bread, and even millet bread. Thus, they received the necessary vitamins, including amygdalin. (B17).
Vitamin B17 was banned for cancer 35 years ago. Scientists stated that if a person will use this every day vitamin, then he will never get cancer. Pharmaceutical giants and the U.S. Department of Health put pressure on the Office Food and Drug Administration and announced illegal sale of vitamin B17 with information about its medicinal properties against cancer, as well as the sale of raw fruits and apricot kernels. Tactics included spreading rumors that apricot and almond cultures contain cyanides (which is true) and that they can poison those who eat them. But the truth is that no one has ever poisoned them, even if he ate them in huge quantities.
This is the strategy of such secret societies as the Illuminati, Masons, bildenbergs and others to accumulate wealth, to reduce Earth’s population and for the gradual introduction of a new world order. Medicines, food, GMOs and other drugs are included their arsenal for the realization of plans to enslave humanity.
These things were predicted in the Bible and described in prophecies in Revelation, chapter 13, and elsewhere.
Here are two quotes about this: Revelation, chapter 13, verses 16, and 17: “16 And he will do that to all small and great, rich and the poor, free and slaves, the mark will be laid on the right hand them or their foreheads, 17 and that no one will be allowed to buy or sell, in addition to those who have this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. ”