Photographed a ghost outside the door

Photographed a ghost outside the doorPhotos from open sources of

User of the social news site “Reddit” under pseudonym Ficc shared with regulars of the mysterious resource a photograph that supposedly shows something supernatural. Recently taken picture went to the author publications from a friend of his wife. The man claims that in the image captured ghost looking into the gap between the door and the jamb wardrobe.

Ficc writes: “Let me briefly tell you the background of this a photo. I’ll immediately notice that the picture is 100% real, I don’t have time to do all sorts of stupid things – hoaxes in The internet. I just want to know the opinions of people who also faced with similar paranormal phenomena.

My wife’s friend grew up in the house where this picture was taken. With her and with other offspring, inexplicable things constantly happened there, especially with her little brother. He played with some invisible children, said that in the house there are some people whom there nobody really saw. Of course, a child could just have wild imagination, I don’t know for sure, frankly, I wasn’t witness to those events.

A photo from open sources

My wife’s girlfriend’s mother still lives in this house, she’s already I’ve gotten used to the devilry going on in it a long time ago. She recently bought a small dog, and this animal, being in a “bad house”, immediately ran to the brother’s former bedroom. Dog has become growl and bark at the ajar cabinet door in the wall. Mistress knitted the camera also took some pictures. On one of them, unexpectedly a creepy face appeared outside the door. It is clearly visible into a wide gap. It seems like this is a ghost of a child, as he is clearly low.

As I said above, I’m not a joker or a hoaxer, I have there is no reason to deceive anyone, and age is not the same. I understand, that photos with possible ghosts always meet skeptical, but I want to assure you that this is not fake and not mounting. Maybe pareidolia, although I can’t explain the behavior dogs in this case, and any damn thing that happens in this house. ”


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