Picture of artist Chontwari “Old fisherman” turned out to be a secret

Painting by the artist ChontwariA photo from open sources

Many artists created mysterious, almost mystical pictures. Among them are such famous as the “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci, or less known, but with even greater mysticism, like “Crying Boy” by Italian artist Giovanni Bragolin either “Hands Resist Him” ​​by American painter Bill Stoneham.

It is believed that Leonardo da Vinci specifically created such unusual canvas, apparently deciding to make his “Mona Lisa” eternal secret for posterity. But there are such pictures, say, of Ivan Kramskoy or Ilya Repin, which have a strange effect on people and even their fate, although the artists themselves are not set out to create something supernatural – it it turned out as if by itself.

Self-taught artist from Hungary Tivadar Kostka Chontvari to believe, in his artistic work, gravitated, like Leonardo da Vinci, to the meaningful creation of mystery paintings. At least, that was exactly his canvas “Old Fisherman”, created in 1902 year.

At first glance, this picture is not unusual, on it depicts an old man who has devoted his whole life to fishing, and judging even by his eyes, who had seen a lot of grief in his lifetime all kinds of hardships. But when people looked at the canvas of Chontwari, they constantly had a feeling of tension from some duality of perception. And just over a century later The riddle of this canvas was resolved.

A photo from open sources

It turned out that if we substitute vertically to the middle of the picture a mirror, then on one side of it God will be displayed, and on the other – Devil. And if the first one sits quietly in a boat in the background beautiful mountains and calm waters, the second one sits on a volcano and a stormy lake is raging behind him.

We will clarify that Tivadar Chontwari was not professional an artist, and a pharmacist, that is, possessed the profession of a mysterious and partly even mystical for its time (no need to compare with modern pharmacists who today have become ordinary drug sellers). Moreover, he was always known not from this world, some contemporaries even considered him crazy. Maybe that’s why he came up with such an interesting idea – to show the duality of human nature, in which two easily coexist opposite entities. And he did this job like that it is talented that the person looking at the canvas “understood” the plan artist only on a subconscious level.

“Focus” with a mirror though revealed the secret of the “Old Fisherman”, however didn’t devalue (rather, vice versa) this fantastic picture, which literally attracts and fascinates, and then for a long time not lets go, disturbing in a person some hidden feelings and striving for perfection through overcoming one’s duality the eternal struggle of good and evil …

Mirrors Artists

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