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8 million Americans suffer from diseases associated with gluten intolerance. According to recent research in the USA, the problem is in genetically modified soy and corn, which people eat. Doctors believe the world is on the verge of a new large-scale epidemic
Gluten-free diet is becoming more popular. This is not a trend fashion. For most people, this is a vital necessity. The human body increasingly refuses to absorb gluten (otherwise – gluten) – a protein contained in crops. Gluten intolerance when eating foods with it content leads to disruption of the digestive processes. how the consequence is a wide range of diseases from autism to cancer.
Whereas the fact that the spread gluten sensitivity has increased dramatically over the past 20 years, link disease burst using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are undeniable, the doctor indicates Biological Sciences, an international expert in environmental and Food Security Irina Ermakova:
“There is a surge in people with oncology in areas where there are many GMO. Also, cases of obesity and diabetes have increased several times namely after genetically modified was brought to these regions products. In addition, infertility is detected. This is the worst. Infertility is not only human or mammalian, but infertility almost all living organisms. This can lead to destruction. of our biosphere, because insects stop reproducing, beneficial bacteria, plants disappear. Generally, GMOs are a bomb Slow Motion. ”
Meanwhile, in the world there is no single assessment of the dangers of GMOs. For example, in USA such products are widely used. There is not even a law on mandatory labeling of products containing GMOs. In China allowed to grow genetically modified cotton and papaya, but GMO corn and GMO rice are also imported. In Europe from GMO production was completely abandoned by Austria, Germany, France, Greece, Poland, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Hungary. But Ukraine is coming soon replenish the number of countries where genetically modified soybean is growing, the relevant decision has already been signed.
The problem is that so far no global studies of the impact of GMOs on the environment and, in particular, on person. Scientists working with transnational manufacturers of GMO products, and independent scientists, who do not support the idea of genetic engineering cannot reach an agreement. They do not trust each other’s experiments. And since it is more profitable to grow and use commercial GMO grains than natural, in different countries he has a strong lobby.
Learn more about how dangerous GMOs are for human health, and why the US does not refuse to grow genetically modified plants, “Voice of Russia” helped Mark Castel, co-founder of The Cornucopia Institute Institute), which is a non-profit organization with a mission “Search for economic justice for family farming farms “:
“The biotech industry has done almost everything possible to stop independent scientists from analyzing genes new plants that she produces. When farmers sow genetically modified soybeans, they sign an agreement with a manufacturer in which they are prohibited from providing access to crop to scientists. So they can use their culture for agronomic research or for research, directly related to crop yield but cannot cooperate with medical or environmental centers. Opportunities for research to understand whether GMOs are dangerous or not, very limited. Those experiments that were carried out and which available to most people, conducted mainly on laboratory animals, and often the duration of these experiments was only 30-90 days. However, there is a very limited number of studies of a longer nature in laboratory rats and other animals, the results of which show quite alarming results, including diseases that can lead to gastrointestinal upsets in humans.
Research grants situation Universities in the USA are also very keen. Most of the budget for government-funded research was reduced, and the development of corporate agribusiness and biotech research on the contrary has increased dramatically and it negatively impacted research. This means that if scientists publish research results that show harmful the impact of some unique biotechnological crops, their Universities may lose funding and will not be able to continue develop. So this is an unfriendly environment for scientists who they want to dig deeper in these matters and succeed.
– Is it possible to maintain a sufficient supply of food for US population without the use of GMOs?
– Yes, I think it is. Most rural income farms over the past decade and a half, is not associated with GMOs, but with hybrid selection, which was a traditional developmental function with point of view of plant genetics. So yes we can feed yourself. ”
Russian National Association of Genetic Security decided that it was time to put an end to the dispute: ban GMOs, if it is harmful, or reassure people if there is no danger, said “Voice of Russia” Association Director Elena Sharoykina:
“An experiment has to go through, where the rules are agreed as opponents and supporters of GMOs, as well as those who are neutral refers to this technology. We spent this year great work with international and Russian scientists. Summer to us Specialists came from the USA, France, and Great Britain. Was created working group. To date, protocols have been prepared. I I think such an experiment will become a world sensation, because before so far in 20 years of commercial use of GMOs no one in the world brought together scientists from different countries and different scientific disciplines for in order to fully and fully study the impact of GMOs on organisms. ”
In 2017, the list of producers of GMO soybeans may join Russia. This was discussed on December 6 at the conference. Agroholdings of Russia in Moscow. But if the experiment data is negative – and experts assure that to obtain common enough results a year – then in the Russian soil will not fall one mutated seed.
Natalya Kovalenko
Plants Russia USA