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Considering himself the crown of creation, man believes that he is the smartest creature on earth. However, he admits that animals (especially home) also have some intelligence, but completely refuses it to plants. About people who have lost their minds it is customary to say that they lead a plant lifestyle. And the word “vegetable” does not remind you of anything? ..
In fact, our ideas and judgments about plants are ridiculous and extremely primitive.
The ancients considered plants not only smart, but also spiritual.
The famous medieval physician Paracelsus wrote in his “Occult botany” that every plant has a mind and even soul. Ancient sages also knew this. For some reason, we believe that plants are not able to feel, can not suffer, just in them certain chemical reactions occur. And then, why worry, worry, if you can neither escape from danger, nor defend yourself? ..
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Studies of modern scientists refute this opinion. First there is evidence that plants feel pain when they are applied wounds, and emit “screams” that perceive them green fellow neighbors and register galvanometers. It also turned out that plants, like people, suffer from thirst and hunger that they possess a kind of immune system and structures similar to the nervous fibers. Finally, plants exchange information with each other friend.
In 1926 indian scientist jagdish chandra bos found that on irritation of the plants respond with electrical impulses. Long almost no attention was paid to this fact, however Now scientists have found that electrical signals are processed in cell membranes, and thanks to this, plants are sensitively monitored changes in the environment and respond to them, changing the timing of flowering, the number and speed of leaf growth.
Plants know the language of aromas
Modern chemical devices have shown that aromas replace words or sounds to plants, saving them from death, like us – a call about help. Such a “language of aromas” is understood not only by plants, but also the predatory “brotherhood” of insects crawling and flying around them.
According to American researcher Eric Davis, when plants are attacked by pests, it becomes known to all their relatives. It turns out that the plant world is also full tricks and struggles: it reacts to many external stimuli, mobilizing all forces, calls for the help of the necessary allies, disguises and invents treacherous traps. Even imagines that waiting for him, and trying to avoid trouble – actually change own destiny. Sometimes the behavior of plants is so “thoughtful” and complex, that the thought appears: whether they possess real mind? ..
Plants are great cunning
A scientist from the Netherlands, Marcel Dicke, drew attention to the amazing ability of many plants to call for help defenders. So, when attacked by spider mites, everyone knows cucumber emits terpenoids on its leaves – special aromatic substances. Predatory insects gather on this smell – “bodyguards” of cucumbers, destroying their enemies.
Some plants act against the enemy on advancing, preparing to meet him fully armed, and to this end Methyl jasmonate (jasmonic acid) is produced. Caterpillars yet only crawl, and predators warned by plants are already on the alert. Interestingly, when researchers applied mechanical damage (scratched, pricked and cut), they suffered without highlighting substances that attract insect protectors. It follows that plants are aware of the nature of the damage, that is, they distinguish a gnawing their caterpillar from the action of a needle or knife.
A photo from open sources
Another example. A moth laid eggs on elm leaves. The tree is gone wait for the voracious caterpillars to crawl out of these eggs, and called defenders. No sooner did the malicious larvae grow up, as their the elm arrived at the call.
But what trick is growing in America passion flower: it protects itself with special growths resembling laying of eggs of insects. The butterfly that flies to the passionflower, sees that someone laid eggs here before her, and sets off back home, so as not to leave doomed posterity. The thing is that the caterpillars that appeared earlier eat those that have hatched later. This is how this unusual flower deceives enemies.
Toward a new agronomy through understanding what constitute plants
Even our distant ancestors knew that cultivated by man plants subtly respond to his attitude towards them. It’s no secret that some people all cultures develop and bear much better than others, and explain this only by conditions and care not allowed. For example, California gardener Luther Burbank succeeded to bring out a new kind of cacti, devoid of thorns – for this man just talked with plants and created a “vibration of love.” Same the method was bred white transparent mulberry.
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If you return to the fight of wild plants with pests, then a person should learn her methods. Having studied and practiced by applying commands that give back to predatory insects our green Friends, we will be able to defeat phyto-pests. No need to pollinate gardens and beds with pesticides, polluting the earth and disrupting the environment Wednesday. If cultivated plants learn what their wild ones do “relatives” – to defend independently, including by “screaming” to attract defenders, – a new era of agriculture will begin.
Do not have wild plants of their remarkable abilities, our the planet would become deserted and bare. Her green outfit testifies to the undoubted rationality of plants that could tell a lot to a person if he learned to listen to them and understand…
Insect plants