Plants fall into longing

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Winter is replacing autumn, and many of us feel this change for yourself. The change of season is insomnia someone – an exacerbation of chronic diseases. It turns out not only humans, but all other living organisms can likewise respond to the arrival of winter. Like us, biological rhythms rebuilt in indoor plants. They cannot tell us about discomfort and ask to do something for them, but that doesn’t mean that the flowers on your windowsill are doing well.

Here are a couple of tips on how to provide your pets a harmonious entrance. in the winter. Plants are best placed closer to the window so that they can use the few hours of daylight that This time of year is characterized. Pots should be turned so so that the light reaches the foliage evenly. note for heating. As hot water is supplied to the batteries, the microclimate on The window sill is changing radically. Also advised to switch to moderate intensity of watering. Some experts claim that like people, plants in the fall can fall into longing. Well, the most loyal flower lovers even sing to their wards so that gray autumn and winter evenings cheer them up.

Plant time

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