Plants hear and even speak …

Plants hear and even say ...Photos from open sources of

This conclusion was reached by Israeli scientists of Tel Aviv universities that have studied plants for many years from the perspective of their unique abilities bordering on intelligent behavior.

The fact that plants can feel, communicate with each other on energy level, help each other in the fight against enemies and in We have long been aware of the plan to confront the environment, and we are not just wrote about these amazing properties of the same trees that puts them on a level of mind on a par with the animal world.

A photo from open sources

The merit of the Israeli scientists in this regard is that they are using numerous experiments, for example, with Oenothera drummondii (perennial herbaceous plant oslinik, main snapshot), found that the plants also hear without ears. IN in particular, the oslinik in this case uses his flowers, thanks to which he hears the flight of pollinating insects, reacting on their buzzing by increased secretion of nectar.

Here’s what The Journalists said about this. Atlanting American biologist Heidi Appel of the University of Toledo (Ohio):

The findings of Israeli scientists seem to many fantastic, but for some reason we calmly perceive what birds hear without auricles, grasshoppers – generally paws, and snakes – the lower jaw, why can’t plants pick up sound fluctuations (i.e. hear) in colors?

But Israeli scientists, as they say, went even further and even hypothesized that plants are capable of not only hearing but also speak (make certain sounds), true in the range ultrasound and only in the form of weak clicks. However, this is quite enough for the same tomato or tobacco (image below) to undergo certain damage (which the researchers did to the plants), began to “scream” about cuts, or warning other plants, then whether simply expressing your grief.

A photo from open sources

The ability of plants to make sounds was completely accepted by scientists. peace in hostility. Even those who favorably accepted the statement Israeli agronomists about the hearing of plants, their ability also “talking” to almost everyone seemed far-fetched. This skepticism of Westerners Ilya Volodin, a Russian biologist at Moscow State University, shared his colleagues clarified the following:

Even the animal world, often communicating with ultrasound, often creates background noise in this area when Researchers’ records suddenly appear an incomprehensible “floating” noise. How at the same time it is possible to isolate the sounds of plants, I do not know, rather of all, these are just errors of the ultrasonic itself area.

In any case, the current research of Israelis, as well as biologists other countries, confirm the main thing: in this world are quite reasonable are not only animals, but also plants. It remains now to prove that only EVERYTHING has reason in the Universe, in including stones, even human-made machines, and finally asteroids, planets and stars. I think all this sooner or later will be proved, despite the skepticism about this bulk modern scientists …


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