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Despite the fact that many do not believe in the underworld, almost all parallel world researchers are sure that among such spaces are not only paradise, but also really creepy, who deserve the name hell. It turns out on earth there are even portals to these terrible worlds, and these portals justify its name is the gate to the underworld. And there are many such gates.
A photo from open sources
Gauska Castle Portal
Eighty kilometers from Prague is not an ordinary castle. Gauska, built in the thirteenth century, supposedly just to hide the entrance to the terrible other world, from which once a terrible monster appeared in the form of a half-man. No wonder that this castle was never attacked by enemies.
They say that once in the chapel, which stands directly above the gates to hell, into the pit on the rope they lowered the convict, so that he would later told about what he saw. After the terrible cries of a young man (thirty years old) quickly raised – he was all gray-haired and looked years on seventy. Of course, Gouska’s castle was once interested in the Nazis, hunting for everything mystical. It’s hard to say if they found here is what they were looking for, whether they opened a portal, but a few Nazi soldiers were later found dead in the chapel.
And still in the castle you can see ghosts, for example, black a horse without a head, a woman who looms in the windows, and so on. They say that even skeletons of unearthly creatures were found in the chapel …
A photo from open sources
Satan Tunnel Portal
Such a tunnel is located in the forests of Blue Ash (state of Orio). As it says rumor, it was done by the Satanists, who arranged their creepy rituals. According to a belief, with the help of such actions you can completely open the door to the netherworld itself, of which the Satanists, in in general, and achieved. Locals claim that at present time this black portal guards the same black shadow person.
It’s even more likely not a guard, but a kind of warning: if the dark the shadow does not scare and does not stop a person, then the path to hell will be is open. That’s just from there often heard heart-rending cries and literally blows terrible evil …
A photo from open sources
Portal of the Pamukkale Temple
In the now Turkish city of Pamukkale, on the site of an ancient settlement Hierapolis, in 2013 an underground temple was discovered that archaeologists on the inscriptions on the columns and the sinister gas from which even the birds flying over this place fell, determined how mythical “Gate of Pluto”. I wrote about them in due time ancient Greek geographer Strabo, calling this passage the gateway to the world gods of the underworld.
Toxic gas that kills all life instantly does not allow penetrate this lair even a few meters without special equipment. However, there have been cases when people for unknown reasons went deep into this portal. No one else saw them, and even bodies they didn’t find it, although according to logic, a person should suffocate with gas and fall near the entrance to this mysterious temple …
A photo from open sources
Clifton Tunnel Portal
In the US city of Clifton (New Jersey), thunderstorm entrance the drains behind the Black Prince distillery surprise with its unusual square shape, and also the fact that the water flows mysteriously here way. If you delve into these tunnels, you will be amazed that they hundreds of meters decorated with satanic frescoes and graffiti. Here full of human bones and even corpses – victims of dark rites.
By the way, the drains themselves are made in the form of circles of hell, and at the end of this a winding maze there is a door to a secret room that locked by crossing huge axes. Open the door can only one who has power to do so. It is believed that for this the door you can see a huge human skull on fire, which and attracts, and at the same time warns – further meeting with himself The devil …
A photo from open sources
Demon House Portal
In 2014, Ghostbuster and exorcist Zach Bagans acquired a paranormal home in Gary, Indiana. IN the recent existence of this building is even rooted opinion that it contains a portal to the underworld.
Once the house belonged to the obsessed, but famous throughout the world he became after an American and her two children settled here in 2012. Let the woman later tell her her nine-year-old son walked on the ceiling, and the twelve-year-old daughter flew through the air, not to mention other devilry.
Zach Bagans was not afraid to buy a damned house for his research, however at the beginning of this year the building was completely demolished with the help of a bulldozer – in order to close the portal to hell. Bagans faced with such a force of dark energy that he did not have enough strength for her resist too long. All he could do was collect the wreckage of the house. and lock them in a special vault, and the locals warn that none of them settled in this place or even close to him.
A photo from open sources
Stall Cemetery Portal
A portal to hell can even become a churchyard. So, in the city of Stall (state Kansas) there is the famous diabolical cemetery Stull Cemetery, on which is better not to appear. The old church on it has long been demolished and A high fence is installed around the churchyard. However sharp lovers sensations still erupt into this forbidden territory. IN in this case we can hear strange voices – as if from nowhere. Or someone invisible suddenly grabs you by the leg or arm. But the most scary if stone steps appear in front of a person, leading down. Gone on them, and oppose this, they say almost impossible, rarely come back. Yes and returnees can no longer be called normal people, why are they almost always end their lives in a psychiatric hospital …
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Among other famous dark portals, you can call Purgatory St. Patrick’s in Ireland, Acheron River in Epirus and Cape Caves Matapan in Greece, some volcanoes of the world, for example, Masaya in Nicaragua or Osoreyama in Japan. Recently, under this the Mexican volcano Popocatepetl, in whose fiery vent is constantly “diving” with a UFO. That is, such there are many hidden doors to the dark world.
Time Volcanoes Portals